Proof RHOA’s Kim Zolciak Was Actually A Nurse…

Kim Zolciak has been a lot of things…”waitress” at the Cheetah Strip Club in Atlanta, reality show “gold-digger,” recording artist, wig designer… Kim’s just about done it all!

Although it shouldn’t really be a surprise, the Real “Housewife” of Atlanta caught a ton of flack the past few episodes of the show when she revealed that one of her career paths was as a registered nurse.

No one believed her, especially Phaedra and Dwight, who went in on her during last night’s episode after Phaedra found out that Kimmie had called her adorable little one an “alien baby”…

VIDEO: Gossiping with Dwight…

Some noteable quotables:

“Just because you strip in a nurses outfit does not make you a nurse…”

That roast was hilarious!

The blonde “housewife,” who dumped her “Big papa” and is newly pregnant by her younger boy toy, caught even more flack online after she was caught smoking cigarettes during her pregnancy at an Atlanta Falcons Game.

[READ: Kim Zolciak is a “Smoking” Hot Pregnant Lady… Literally!]

Kim had to know better than to smoke while she’s knocked up… and yes, she was once actually a “REAL” nurse according to these documents:

Kim aka Kimberleigh M. Zolciak held a LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) license #27545 in the State of Connecticut from July 29, 1999 to June 31, 2001:

…and in the State of Georgia Kim held an LPN license #059799 from October 28, 1999 through March 31, 2003:

So there you have it! Proof Kim has done more in her lifetime than digging for gold in Big Papa’s pockets…