Fantasia’s Married Boyfriend’s Wife Seeks $100,000 Settlement…

Looks like things are heating up between Fantasia Barrino and her married boyfriend?s scorned wife, Paula Cook.

The two reportedly met up earlier this month in an attempt settle the matter with hopes of keeping details of Barrino?s alleged affair with Antwaun Cook private and out of the Mecklenburg County, North Carolina courthouse.

As you know, Paula Cook filed a civil lawsuit against Fantasia earlier this year claiming that Fantasia destroyed her marriage and even threatened to release a sex tape that she claims was made by her husband and Tasia.

[READ: Fantasia Married Boyfriend’s Wife Seeks Revenge! – COURT DOCUMENTS]

A source close to the situation says the two women attempted to settle the dispute through private mediation and that Fantasia was prepared to pay upwards of $100,000 to get Paula Cook off her back!

According RadarOnline:

?Fantasia and Paula were in mediation for nearly 12 hours on November 1st. They didn?t settle because Fantasia refuses to acknowledge that she was aware of Paula?s marriage to Antwaun when she started dating him, and Paula is adamant that she knew.?

Fantasia’s celebrity cheating scandal became top news last year when she got ?Cook? tatted on her collarbone in honor of her married boyfriend Antwaun Cook.

Since their first meeting didn’t go so well, Fantasia and Paula are said to be meeting in a North Carolina courthouse again on November 22 to further mediate the matter.

?Fantasia was prepared to pay Paula as much as $100,000 to settle during their mediation, but it fell through,? another source told RadarOnline.

?Paula plans on going all the way and is going to sue Fantasia for Alienation of Affection.?

Alienation of Affection is a law still recognized by only seven states ? one of which is North Carolina ? where an abandoned spouse can file lawsuit against the party responsible for the failure of their marriage, typically the adulterous spouse’s lover.

Paula has filed for divorce from her cheating husband, who is rumored to be “doing” way more chicks than Fantasia. Paula probably is aware of this but Fantasia’s got the dough so she’s the one who’s gotta pay the price.

Tasia claims she’s no longer involved with Antwuan and seems to be trying to distance herself from the drama in a recent episode of her reality show “Fantasia For Real.”

Tasia met up with Antwuan earlier this year, right after her public suicide attempt. The meeting aired on her show and ended with Fantasia telling Cook “I don’t ever want to see you again.” [CLICK HERE if you missed it]

Fantasia may have been wrong but $100,000 seems like an awful big price to pay for some peen. But then again… another North Carolina woman won a $9million dollar judgment from her husband’s jump off.

[READ: Wife Wins $9 Million Dollar Judgement From Husband’s Mistress]

Maybe $100,000 ain’t that much after all…