Atlanta Police Investigating Alleged Raped Caught on Viral Video At Atlanta Nightclub #JusticeForJasmine

An event that jumped off the 3-day holiday weekend in Atlanta went viral after a horrific incident occurred a popular night spot Friday night (January 19).

A woman by the name of Jasmine Eiland streamed her celebratory weekend as she partied in the club and may have even captured her own assault LIVE on Facebook.

Details + video below…

Video footage of an incident went viral over the weekend after an apparent rape occurred in the middle of Opera nightclub!

In several videos streamed to Facebook, Eiland can be seen partying and having a ball. A male attendee, who she met moments earlier, offers her a drink that may have forever changed her life.

The male, who has been identified online as Dominique Williams, can be seen making sure Eiland consumes every drop of her beverage and soon she is totally inebriated.

In a third video clip that was removed from the social media site for nudity, Eiland can be heard mumbling “stop” and “please help me” as she appears to be sexually assaulted and raped while many continue to party around her. Some even stand around and appear to record the incident on their phones, instead of actually offering to help her like she was clarly begging them to!

The following day Eiland posted that she was okay, and asked that her friends refrain from calling or texting her.

Over the weekend, many have criticized Eiland for her decision to party alone in the nightclub. Some have even gone so far as to blame the young club goer for her own (alleged) assault. In a live stream Eiland addressed some of the rumors surrounding the incident:

Atlanta Police issued a statement regarding the incident, noting that there is an active investigation:

Early Sunday morning, APD began receiving calls about a Facebook Live video that appears to show a woman being sexually assaulted in a local nightclub. Our Special Victims Unit has made contact with the victim, and an investigation into the matter has been opened. The investigation continues.

Opera nightclub also addressed the incident social media yesterday with the following stating:

The disturbing matter that occurred last night has been brought to our attention, and we are working as diligently as possible in full cooperation with law enforcement.

What are your thoughts about this horrific incident?