#RHOA ‘Roachgate’ Continues! Kim Zolciak-Biermann Threatens Lawsuit Against Nene Leakes for ‘Racist’ Allegations…

NEWSFLASH! Kim Zolciak-Biermann is threatening to sue Nene Leakes over ‘roachgate’!

[READ: Kim & Nene Battle Online Over ‘Roachgate’… ]

The wig wearing ‘housewife’ is apparently feeling somekindaway about being labeled a racist after she and her 20 year old daughter tried to spread rumor about Nene Leakes having roaches and now she’s reportedly obtained an attorney to try to clear her family name.

[Sidebar: The K.im K.roy K.lique is really trying it with this stunt… ]

This post will probably get a bit long because I’ve compiled everything I know about this situation so get your tea cups ready and DIVE IN!

Details below…

It was revealed yesterday that K.im is threatening to sue NeNe Leakes for “millions of dollars” unless she immediately apologizes for calling her and her daughter,?Brielle, racists and KKK members.

I’ve been talking about this drama for weeks on Periscope and last night was no different as we all dived into this K.im drama.

The timing of this is interesting being that it’s not the first time (nor will it be the last) that K.im, K.roy and their K.lique have been called out for racist behavior… but apparently they need some buzz for that lackluster ‘Tardy for The Trailer Park’ reality show.

K.im has been on a whirlwind media tour but instead of promoting her show, she’s been discussing her ‘beef’ with Nene Leakes.

[READ: Shots Fired! Nene Leakes Blasts Kim Zolciak Biermann & Daughter Brielle?]

The plastic barbie appeared on ‘The Real’ earlier this week where she recounted details about ‘roachgate’ and everyone on the stage (even K.roy) knew her story wasn’t accurate.

In the video above, K.im tells the hosts that it was “Nene” who spread the video and when asked about Brielle’s involvement, K.im states that “Brielle never said that”…. (and we ALL know that’s a lie… (click HERE to refresh your memory).

K.im also appeared on Larry King’s show, where the talk show vet also gave her the side-eye about ‘roachgate’.

If you watch both videos, you’ll noticed the discrepancies in K.im’s story.? For the record, the Larry King interview is a little bit closer to the truth.

K.im also reveals in the interview that since she’s the only Caucasian person on the show, ‘THEY’ often pull the racism card.

I wonder who is the “THEY” that K.im is referring to? Is she referring to the viewers of the show? Her fellow cast members who all happen to be Black? ‘Bravo’? Producers?

Never forget how she treated Sweetie. Derek J. even tried to tell her that her actions were racist and K.im just didn’t ‘see it’.

Sweetie even told me that she was let go because K.roy didn’t feel comfortable around Black people.

[FLASHBACK: Exclusive One on One w/Sweetie Hughes (Kim Zolciak’s Slave Employee)…]

For the record, I’m glad K.im is speaking about it because now THE WHOLE world can see what we all have been seeing since season one of RHOA. But I digress.

K.im has apparently hired an attorney but just like every other story she’s told about this situation, there are varying stories about the attorney she’s hired to represent her.

K.im told Entertainment Tonight? that she hired Marty Singer to represent her and then TMZ reported that she’s hired someone named Allison Hart.

Interestingly enough, TMZ somehow got a copy of the letter sent between K.im’s lawyer and Nene…

The letter, obtained by TMZ, references some choice comments NeNe made on social media, including, “Kim & her child did something very wrong & disgusting! Black people and roaches in the same sentence don’t work for me boo.” She then went on to call Brielle “#racisttrash” and “#KKK,” adding, “Kim & her daughter oops whole family are racists!”

The letter calls the statements “outrageous and malicious lies.”

The tabloid also reports that the ‘legal letter’ says Brielle never posted the video, but it was NeNe who got the video and posted it on Twitter and Instagram but as previously stated, I KNOW FOR A FACT that it was K.im who sent the video to at least 5 people.

If you’ve been following ‘roachgate,’ I’ve maintained that K.im sent the text to at least 5 people during the trip to Barcelona, however Kim stated the following in her Instagram post on the matter:

Nene released this video herself! No one has EVER seen this video but RHOA!

Nobody would have ever seen this video!

Yes… the video was sent to 5 people AND it was all taped for the show, so I’m not really sure why K.im’s attorney is on an all out warpath with inaccurate information. But again… I digress.

K.im’s attorney also claims in the letter that NeNe is going after K.im and Brielle out of jealousy.

They have a successful show on Bravo, “Don’t Be Tardy,” and NeNe is trying to get people to boycott the program with hashtags like, #blackpeopleneedtostopsupportingtheprejudice.

Attorney Hart wants a prominent retraction on Instagram and Twitter and other social media sites where NeNe posted her comments, along with an apology.

If that doesn’t happen … “Your conduct exposes you to multi-million dollar liability.”

[Sidebar: Was anyone watching ‘Tardy For The Trailer Park’ anyway? I don’t think viewership was affected by this… if anything the K.im, K.roy K.lique may have gained a few fans, especially in this Trump era. Again… I digress.]

For the record, I hope Nene pays K.im dust and files a lawsuit against Brielle (and K.roy) for trespassing.

[PHOTOS: Nene Leakes Hosts ‘Gurls & Gays’ All-White Party (PHOTOS)]

In case you missed it, here is the periscope chat that sparked this long azzzed post..

What are your thoughts about ‘roachgate’ and the K.im, K.roy K.lique’s claims that they’re NOT racist?