RECAP: Iyanla Blasts Neffe’s Reality Show Ambitions – Watch #FixMyLife ‘Broken Reality’ Part 2… (FULL VIDEO)

Neffeteria ?Neffe? Pugh and Shelby ?Soullow? Lowery kicked off the new season of ‘Iyanla: Fix My Life’ last week.

[READ: Iyanla Vanzant Attempts to Fix Neffe & Soullow’s ‘Broken Reality’ (Part 1) – FULL VIDEO]

The couple clearly had more issues than vogue problems than Iyanla could address in one hour, so she dedicated two episodes to their failing marriage.


In Part 2 of the two-part season premiere event, Iyanla delves deeper into the baggage of former reality stars Neffeteria “Neffe” Pugh and Shelby “Soullow” Lowery as they try to save their marriage. But when Iyanla questions Neffe’s motivation for being there, Neffe storms off. Just how much drama can this marriage survive?

In case you missed it, check out PART 2 of Neffe & Soullow’s ‘Fix My Life’ appearance below…

For the record, I really wanted to be on Neffe’s side, but after watching this latest episode it’s not gonna happen…

VIDEO: Iyanla: Fix My Life – Neffe & Soullow’s ‘Broken Reality’
Last week, it was revealed that 43 year old Soullow had a heart attack after dealing with the stress and pressures of maintaining their family financially (alone, with no help from Neffe) and she also addressed how “Neffe” & ‘Neffeteria’ are two different personalities… i.e. “Neffe” is the hood girl who uses her attitude as a defense mechanism; while “Neffeteria” is a bit more down to earth and sensible (click HERE if you missed that).

This week, it’s revealed that Neffe has been lying about quite a few things and Iyanla calls her out about each and every one of them!

First and foremost, Neffe blamed Soullow for telling Iyanla that she ‘fist fights’ him on occasion, when the claim was made through her own written statements! It seems that Neffe is in total defense mode and is already anticipating being thrown under the bus by Soullow, when in fact, he hasn’t done a thing (that we, the audience can tell).

Secondly, Neffe lied about having a stable home in the works for their family. Last week, she told Iyanla that they were only staying in a hotel until their new place was ready (in about a week). Turns out, the new landlord turned them down and Neffe knew it.

Soullow confesses and Iyanla calls Neffe out about the lie… to which Neffe confesses.

Third, Neffe had been relishing the fact that she was back on tv and posting on social media. Iyanla calls her out about this and asks if she’s really there to mend the marriage or merely to be on tv.

[Sidebar: The question seems quite valid, especially after it’s revealed that they decided to divorce… but I digress.]

Last, but certainly not least the couple gets a chance to meet with Iyanla together to discuss what each of them had revealed in confidence.

When Soullow expresses how he tries to keep a smile on everyone’s face but no one cares if he’s happy or not, Neffe states that it’s the ‘realest thing’ he’s said in while.

Her statement didn’t seem that bad, but apparently Iyanyla didn’t like the response. That’s when she referred to Neffe as a ‘guttersnipe’ straight out the hood, to which Neffe took offense and walked off set.

In the end, the couple seemed to be making headway and the episode is wrapped up quite nicely with Neffe shedding all her ‘reality show’ makeup and asking Soullow if he’s really there for ‘Neffeteria’ and not ‘Neffe’ (aka Keyshia Cole’s sister).

While it would seem that the couple left with the tools necessary to mend their ‘broken reality,’ it’s revealed that after 4 months they have decided to divorce.? The update posted at the end of the episode states:

Shelby and Neffeteria have separated and are filing for divorce, choosing to focus on what is best for their children.

On a related note, Neffe recently discussed her pending divorce on the Big Tigger Show:

VIDEO: Neffie is back on the scene: Big Tigger Interview

What are your thoughts on Part 2 of Neffe & Soullow’s ‘Fix My Life’ appearance?