WTF?!? Atlanta’s Darlington Apartments Evicts Tenant For Exposing Crime…


I’ve always said that Freedom of Speech comes at a price and apparently one of the tenants of Atlanta’s Darlington apartments is learning that first hand.

The Darlington is under fire today after they apparently decided to evict a tenant who warned other tenants about crime in the building.

Many Atlanta transplants flock to the low-rate Buckhead apartments because of it’s location but soon learn that just because it’s in a ‘rich’ zip code doesn’t make it luxurious living conditions.

That being said, Je Wesley Day, a graduate student and current Darlington resident, is putting the eyesore on blast after management informed him that he had to pack his bags for informing his neighbors about concerns about safety.


Details below…

Darlington JeWesly Day 2017

If you are an Atlanta resident, you know that The Darlington is a major eyesore, but above it’s horrendous appearance, it’s also a haven for crime being that the rental rate is probably the cheapest available in the city limits.

Je Wesley Day feels management at the Darlington Apartments is retaliating against him for speaking out about crime in the building after he posted a warning to fellow residents on a flyer he shared in a group chat on social media.


Day says one of the members of the group printed the flyer and posted it around the building, and now he’s being asked to move.

Darlington community manager Jerome Bell said Day isn?t being evicted for making negative comments about the apartments, but he wouldn?t comment on the specific reason for Day?s eviction.

?People write negative things about Darlington on its Facebook (page) and we?re not asking any of them to leave,? Bell said.

VIDEO: Darlington Evicts Man For Warning About Crime

WSB-TV reviewed the lease and apparently Day’s notice is a direct violation of the lease, which is why The Darlington decided to evict him.

The lease states that tenants are not allowed to post flyers or notices to each other outside of U.S. mail and Day says had he known he was signing away his rights to free speech, he wouldn’t have moved there in the first place.

Meanwhile, in the past 6 months there have been a total of 17 crimes at the Darlington, including rapes, robbery, break-ins and assaults so that portion of the lease is clearly meant to keep tenants from discussing the apparently crime problem that the building is known for.

Freedom of speech ain’t free… *sigh*? in this case, it cost Je’Wesley Day an apartment in one of Atlanta’s most crime ridden buildings.

What do you think of this crazy situation?