For Discussion: Should I Take My Legal Dispute to Judge Mathis??


NEWSFLASH!! Judge Mathis wants to try my case on his show but I’m undecided…


Details below…?

judge mathis sfta

I’m not going to dig into the details of the who, what and why I’m suing (clearly it’s all public record by now anyway) but I’m tickled by the thought of Judge Mathis getting a hold of the lawsuit.


1. I like Judge Mathis. ?Of all the ‘judge’ shows, I’ll actually watch his.

2. It’s a free trip to Chicago. ** This one is iffy. No disrespect to ‘Chi-Town’ but a free trip there doesn’t really move me.

3. IF I win my case, the Judge Mathis show will pay my judgement within 45 days.


1. It’s a free trip to Chicago. (See explanation above).

2. There’s a $5,000 cap on awards and I’m suing for way more than that in GA (the max is $15,000 here).

3. $200 appearance fee. ?We all know I’m worth so much more. 🙂

For the record,?I sincerely doubt that the defendant(s) would consider it anyway, but who knows.

I’m leaning towards a ‘No’ at this point, but it’s been such an interesting debate amongst me and my friends, that I decided to ask y’all’s opinions.


Should I take my case to Judge Mathis? Or Nah?