Fan Mail: Ex #RHOA Claudia Jordan Endorses Credit Repair Scheme… (VIDEO)

NEWSFLASH!?Claudia Jordan?is the next ‘celebrity’ to endorse a questionable company. ?Jordan recently spoke out online about ‘fixing’ her?credit and she’s been praising the folks who helped her get it back on track.

I’ve always been told that the only way to truly ‘fix’ your credit is to pay your bills… but apparently there are quite a few companies out there that are willing to skip all the hassle that comes along with writing checks to creditors.

None of us are perfect, and low credit scores can stem?from many things, including job loss, high debt to income ratios,?and just plain ol’ wrong information being reported.?And while many feel that?credit repair firms are a legitimate way to improve your credit score, consumerists feel that in reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

[Disclaimer: Fan Mail posts are submitted by readers and are protected by federal statute 47 U.S.C. 230. can not confirm 100% accuracy of any story posted.]

Details + video of Claudia’s ‘endorsement’ below…

from: email removed

to: straightfromthea

date: Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 12:53 PM

subject: Claudia Jordan Fixed Her Credit

Claudia Jordan fixed her credit and posted the following on instagram:

VIDEO: Claudia Jordan Speaks on Credit Repair

The credit repair agency also posted the video above along with the following declaration from Jordan about her ‘fixed’ credit.

[Sidebar: Just FYI, if you have inaccuracies on your report, you can dispute them yourself… FOR FREE. ? That is… UNLESS you’re Claudia Jordan and have been scammed out of your good credit score by a slew of shady financial advisors who filed bankruptcy without your permission… But I digress.]

While Jordan praises her quick fix, Atlanta?consumer reporter Clark Howard?advises that?’credit repair’ is a temporary fix to a permanent problem.

What these firms typically do — and this was very common last decade — is use a technique to temporarily raise your score by a significant number of points for just a few weeks before it plummets back down again. But the credit bureaus have gotten wise to this technique over the years.

Anyone who says they can magically eliminate bad items on your credit report is telling you a big fat lie!

Howard advises to ‘keep your money in your own pocket and don’t give it to them for their supposed “services”! Better yet, use it to pay the debts you owe and that will improve your credit score on its own’.

Know that there is no magic wand for credit repair. If you need help, get in touch with the National Foundation for Credit Counseling.

But if you understand these basics and put them into practice in your life, your credit score will rise slowly but surely.

Also, if you’re suffering from poor credit, there are several surefire ways to get your credit healthy again without having to cut a hefty check to a credit repair company. Follow this one major tip and you’ll be well on your way…

Pay your bills… on time.

What do you think of Claudia’s ‘credit repair’ endorsement?