FOR DISCUSSION: Steve Harvey Experiment Proves Superficial Women Miss Out On Great Guys… (VIDEO)

The Steve Harvey Show is promoting relationships this week in honor of Valentine’s day and in doing so, he conducted an interesting social experiment involving how superficial some women can be.

Steve sets up two blonde lacefront wearing twin sisters from Atlanta on dates with two men that meet all of their qualifications, but wait! There was a twist!

The men were totally disguised during the date, giving the illusion that they weren?t as attractive as they are in ‘real life’!

Details + watch video below…

VIDEO: Part 1: Superficial Twin Sisters Can?t Get Past Looks STEVE HARVEY

In part 1 of the segment, Steve sets up twin sisters with two men, one has a hole in his afro and the other has a mole on the side of his head.

Each of the gentlemen revealed they were quite successful careerwise, but don’t appear to be fit and are not too stylish… at least according to the blond lacefront twins.

In part 2 of the segment, the ladies continue the date and start asking probing questions like ‘how much do you make?’ and ‘how big is your house?’… questions that are pretty standard these days for women on the come up.

VIDEO: Part 2: Superficial Twin Sisters Miss Out On Great Guys STEVE HARVEY

When the ladies say that they weren’t to into the men Harvey chose for them, the host then reveals that the men were actually in disguise.

This is a great example of how judging a book by it’s cover can go wrong! Perhaps ‘lowering’ your standards should be an option at times, especially if the ‘standards’ all apply to external features like height, weight and fashion sense.

Whatever the case, I’m sure these two ladies learned a valuable lesson on the show. What you ‘see’ is not always what you ‘get’.

[Sidebar: I hope Steve plans to do the same experiment with MEN!]

What did you think about Steve Harvey’s social experiment?