RECAP: 5 Things Revealed On ‘Being Mary Jane’ Season 3, Episode 4 + Watch Full Video…

Being Mary Jane aired the 4th episode of it’s explosive 3rd season last night (November 3, 2014) and fans of BET’s hit show are still recovering from last week’s unexpected departure.

[READ: Recap: Being Mary Jane S3, Ep3 – R.I.P. Dr. Lisa + Watch Full Video…]

This week, we pay a little more attention to one of Mary Jane’s other friends, Kara, who is having a bit of a breakdown of her own.

BET’s synopsis states:

Kara’s life spins out of control; Mary Jane helps Niecy land her first job.

In addition to Kara and Niecy, we’re also treated to a whole lotta screentime from Mary Jane’s foine azz ‘Cutty Buddy,’ Thomas Q. Jones.

Read a recap of the 5 things revealed during episode 4 of Being Mary Jane + watch full video below…

VIDEO: Being Mary Jane, Season 3, Episode 4

1. Mary Jane got her groove back…

Mary Jane is slowly getting her life back in order.? She’s been through a helluva lot in only 3 episodes… a car crash that could have permanently disfigured her, the revelation that her best friend and the love of her life had each betrayed her, the stress of possibly being replaced at her job… and blackmail from the other car crash victim.

Dayum… it seems MJ can’t catch a break these days! But the one good thing she still has is her faithful ‘cutty buddy’ on speed dial.

2. Kara GAVE her groove back…

Since her divorce, Kara has been forced to provide for her ‘stay at home’ husband and their two kids.? She’s also found time to find a new love interest.

What Kara has NOT found is the ability to balance all that with her career! If you recall, Kara’s marriage fell apart because she was a work-a-holic who was never there for her husband and kids.?? Now she has to work twice as hard to support them, while trying to still be a good parent.

There’s only so many hours in a day and Kara decides that spending time with her kids is more important than spending nights with her new lover, so she makes the hard decision to break things off so that she can focus more on her kids.

Kara also proposes to her ex-husband that they move back in together so that she can be more hands on with the kids.? Roommates with your ex? Doesn’t seem like a good idea, but maybe, just maybe… things will work out in a positive fashion. (We’ll just have to wait on see…)

3. Neicy got a job!

Mary Jane’s wayward niece is moving on up in the world!? After Mary Jane fabricates a resume for Neicy, she lands a job interview with a hair products line that she knows inside and out.

While it seems the job interview didn’t go too well (Neicy was late and the interviewer didn’t seem too impressed with her fake resume), she ends up landing the position.

Score ONE for Neicy!! She’s certainly due for a break.

4. C.C. bought a bookstore…

Mary Jane is still being scammed by C.C., the woman who she ran into in the car accident that disfigured her face, but this week, she strikes back and does a little internet investigation of her own.

Somehow, Mary Jane finds C.C.’s birth certificate, figures out her online banking information and then finds out that C.C. is the sole proprietor of a book store.

Yes… it’s a dying medium, but people still read books!!? I for one perfer turning real pages as opposed to swiping on my ipad, but that’s just me.

C.C.’s blackmail scheme is a total contradiction to her ‘christian’ beliefs.? While she’s selling books hoping to empower her Black race, she’s doing the total opposite by strong arming Mary Jane for money to support her dreams.

Mary Jane pops up for a visit to let C.C. know she’s up on game, but it seems C.C. isn’t ready to stop playing… yet.

I’m still mad that MJ is keeping the blackmail a secret.? She’s a reporter right?? Yeah… she gets props for her ‘online investigation’ on her blackmailer, but MJ needs to let this cat out the bag so that it can breathe!

The longer she keeps this under wraps, the more power C.C. has over her and this has GOT to stop!

5. Mary Jane’s ‘cutty buddy’ got upgraded…

Mary Jane seems to find comfort in the meaningless sex with ‘Cutty Buddy’ but the more time they spend together, the more it seems like a real live relationship.

MJ’s emotional about the death of her friend and Cutty Buddy seems to really care about her well-being.? They’ve been smashing a lot… a WHOLE lot and the sex may not be so meaningless if Mary Jane turns up pregnant!? We got a glimpse of the birth control pills that Dr. Lisa prescribed for her, but we didn’t see MJ take them…

This week’s episode ends with him comforting Mary Jane after she breaks down when she finally opens Dr. Lisa’s letter… and invitation to an event where she was to speak.

Cutty Buddy has made himself quite at home at Mary Jane’s house and he shares the story of how his grandfather stayed a happy man by drinking whiskey and smoking cuban cigars.

Mary Jane finds peace in Cutty Buddy’s arms and we are reminded of the following quote…

What did you think of this week’s episode of Being Mary Jane?