The THIRST!! #RHOA Apollo Nida Collecting Pen Pals AND Payments In Prison? Female Fan Provides Receipts…

Apollo Nida, the husband of Phaedra Parks of The Real Housewives of Atlanta, is fast approaching the one year mark of his 8 year prison sentence but that hasn’t stopped him from still making the blawgs.

[READ: Apollo Nida Gives 1st Interview From Prison + Reveals NO DIVORCE Filed… ]

In addition to keeping fans in the loop about his relationship, Nida has also reportedly managed to secure quite a few female pen-pals and one in particular recently blasted him for asking for money.

And she provided RECEIPTS!! 😯

Details below…

Our friends over at TheShaderoom recently revealed that not only is Nida collecting pen pals while he’s away on ‘VACATION,’ but he’s also been collecting coinzzz on his books as well!

A fan (I’m assuming it’s not Kenya Moore, but who knows?) recently blasted Nida for begging her for money after she sent him a book to read that she’d written. After receiving the book, the woman says Nida responded, thanking her and stating that he’d read it, he also requested that she wire him $20/$50!

The woman sent the photo?below as proof that Nida requested money and says she replied back to him stating that any money she has, is going to her daughter and not some man she barely knows.

Nida reportedly wrote back expressing how he would pray that the woman ‘gain financially wealth’ so that she can afford to put more than $25 measly dollars in her daughter’s savings. *sigh*

Whatever the case… the THIRST is real! ?I’m sure that’s just one ‘no’ out of a hundred.

If you care to write to Apollo?(or put money on his books)… have at it:

Apollo Nida, #65725-019

FMC Lexington


P.O. BOX 14500


[Sidebar: Wouldn’t it be hilarious is Apollo came out of prison 7 years from now RICHER than he went in?? SMH… ]

On a related note, word on the curb is that?Phaedra Parks, who despite all rumors has yet to officially file for divorce, still hasn?t taken their two young sons, Ayden and Dylan, to visit their new father in prison.

Parks is reportedly sticking to her decision that she doesn’t want her kids to see their father in that light, however I’m almost positive that they speak to him on a regular basis by phone.

What do you think of Apollo Nida’s pen pal?payment rumor?

Believe it? or Nah?