Instagram Flexin: Atlanta’s Huff Furniture BLASTS K. Whasserface For Stealing Images…

Another day, another embarrassing episode online for K. Whasserface (aka K. Michelle).

[Never Forget: In The Tweets: Soulja Boy Roasts K. Whasserface’s ‘Hot Pocket’…]

This time, it wasn’t K. Whasserface’s hot pocket that got roasted, it was her business acumen as she tried to promote her new furniture line using photos from a well known Atlanta furniture business.

Huff Furniture, known nationwide for its distinctive high quality custom pieces, was not too pleased to find out the K. Whasserface was using their pieces in her quest to make a quick buck and blasted her online stating:

Details about K. Whasserface’s latest FAIL below…

K. Whasserface clearly didn’t bank on her new furniture line being successful on it’s own, since she chose to totally STEAL images from Huff Furniture.

When news of the discrepancy got back to Huff, they hit instagram to blast the reality show starlet. Emily Huff, the granddaughter of Huff’s founder was first to take notice and she posted the following via Instagram:

K. Whasserface then responded by passing the buck and blaming her designer! ?She posted the following to her IG as proof she was without fault…

And last but not least, Huff Furniture responded to K. Whasserface and they are CLEARLY not amused by her lack of business knowledge!

Huff posts the following to their instagram page and gives K. Whasserface?and her ‘team’ a bit of ‘Business Etiquette 101’ ?to advise Whasserface and anyone like her, how to create an exclusive ‘collection’ without STEALING, stating…

Welp… it looks like K. Whasserface has been caught out there yet again! How is she using another company’s images to market HER furniture…. interesting.

I’m highly amused by it all. 😆

What do you think of K. Whasserface’s latest Instagram FAIL??