Fan Mail – Is Sheree Whitfield’s ‘Chateau’ in Foreclosure? [PHOTOS]

from: (email Removed)

to: StraightFromTheA

date: Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 10:13 PM

subject: Chateau Sheree Foreclosure (again??)


I am shocked that I have not seen any recent posts from you on the whole Chateau Sheree foreclosure saga. Is it is or is it not? :-)?

I know you would have the true ‘tea’ so please enlighten us!

~Niss (an ATLien)

I wasn’t going to say anything about Sheree Whitfield’s unfortunate situation, but since you asked…

Here’s the tea…

I received the following text a few days ago:

I could have blogged about Sheree’s misfortune days ago, but I’ve got this ‘thing’ about being the bearer of bad news. It’s out there now though…


I almost feel some kinda way about the news that Sheree hasn’t even bothered to pay the bank who financed the partial construction of her dream home, especially since she dragged us into court not once… not twice… but 3 times!

[FLASHBACK: Freedom of Speech Ain’t Free – Sheree Whitfield vs. Atlanta Bloggers (Part 3) aka THE END!]

After spending THOUSANDS of dollars in legal fees, trust me when I say, this isn’t a shocker to me and my two co-defendants, we’re all feeling ‘some kinda way’ about the situation.

Funky Dineva wrote a long detailed post about Chateau Sheree’s foreclosure (READ HERE) and so did TamaraTattles (READ HERE) but I’m gonna keep it short and sweet.

What I know is this…

Sheree rarely makes big decisions on her own (she’s not that bright) and I’m almost positive someone advised her that her ‘Chateau’ would come tumbling down if she didn’t start the construction over from scratch.

[FLASHBACK: In Case You Missed It: Bob & Sheree Whitfield on Iyanla: Fix My Life (FULL VIDEO)]

I’ve heard the site looks pretty much the same as it did when she and Iyanla sat in her neighbor’s back yard earlier this year. With all the rain we’ve had in Atlanta the past few months, its almost a given that Sheree’s cardboard monstrosity is nothing but a big piece of mush.

That being said, I’m going to give Sheree the benefit of the doubt and ASSUME that she’s finally admitted to herself that it was time to walk away from her investment.

Who knows? Since Sheree constantly played ‘name games’ with the title, she may have a plan to buy it back under yet another alias.

Whatever the case, the rumors are definitely true about the foreclose.

Are you surprised that Sheree’s 3 year construction project could be a flop?

In case you missed it:

Chateau Sheree = “Neverland” (Yes… I coined that phrase)

Progress Report – Funky Dineva Visits Chateau Sheree (Part 1)

Progress Report – “Broke B*tches Ball” at Chateau Sheree (Part 2)