WTF?!? Doctor Diagnoses Woman as Suffering from “Ghetto Booty”… (VIDEO)

A woman walks into her doctor’s office with lower back pain and I imagine the conversation goes something like this…

Woman: “Doctor I have this nagging sharp pain and it’s getting worse and worse.”

Doctor: “Well… your butt is rather large. So it’s my professional opinion that you’re suffering from a ghetto booty”.

Woman: “A what!?” (the woman states in disbelief).

Doctor: “A ghetto booty… that type of thing is running rampant these days. Haven’t you seen Kenya Moore’s “home depot’ booty? It’s kind of like that but your’s is real.”

Clearly I just made all that up… 😯

but in “real life” a doctor in Tennessee recently diagnosed a woman suffering from lower back pain with “ghetto booty” and he’s issued a weak apology after she expressed her outrage to the media.

Here’s what really happened….

55-year-old Terry Ragland was experiencing some lower back pain, so she decided to get it checked out at Sports Orthopedics & Spine in Jackson, Tennessee, a clinic she had been to before when she had knee surgery.

Ragland visited Dr. Timothy Sweo, A sports medicine specialist, who checked her out and issued his professional diagnosis….

It appears the middle aged African-american woman suffered from “ghetto booty” syndrome. 😯

“I think I blacked out after he said ghetto booty,” the 55-year-old Tennessee woman told News Channel 3, recalling her shock at hearing those words come out of Dr. Timothy Sweo’s mouth.

To add insult to injury, Dr Sweo went on to say that there’s no cure for ghetto booty, but that he could prescribe some medication for her pain.

The doctor claims he was just merely trying to ‘dumb down’ Ragland’s back pain diagnosis when he told her she suffers from “ghetto booty,” however her condition is actually medically known as “lumbar lordosis” (a curve of the spine that causes a protrusion of the buttocks coupled with significant discomfort).

After Ragland expressed her discontent to the office manager about Dr. Sweo’s racist, chauvinist, condescending explanation of her condition, he wrote her a half-hearted apology letter, stating:

“I was trying to take a technical conversation regarding your lower back and make it less technical.”


In an interview with a Memphis, TN CBS affiliate, Ragland revealed her thoughts about the apology letter:

“It says to me that he responded with doubts what type of intellect I have, how intelligent I am to be able to understand what he conveys to me in a medical term.”

VIDEO: Doctor issues “Ghetto Booty” Diagnosis

Reached by phone, Sweo told the news station he doesn’t understand what was wrong with telling his patient she has a “ghetto booty.”

“In trying to explain [her problem] I said that she had ghetto booty and she didn?t like that apparently,” he told WREG by phone. “I think I do understand why her feelings were hurt but I don?t understand what?s offensive about it.”

“It?s wrong in every aspect and it?s very demeaning,” said Ragland, who has filed a formal complain against Sweo with the Tennessee Department of Health.

I blame Nicki Minaj…. (but not really) 😆

What do you think of the Doctor’s callous attitude about his “ghetto Booty” diagnosis?