Kenya Moore Admits She Stole Phaedra Parks’ Donkey Booty Idea… [VIDEOS]

Anderson Cooper kenya Moore SFTA

Kenya Moore of The Real Housewives of Atlanta appears to be gathering all the gays on her side this week.

After appearing on Bravo Andy’s Watch What Happens LIVE! to perform her new single LIVE! last Sunday evening (click HERE if you missed that), Kenya appears to be on a mission.

[FLASHBACK: Celebrity Photographer Derek Blanks Shoots Kenya Moore (PHOTOS + Behind The Scenes Video)]Kenya LIVE

The consensus is still out on who’s right or who’s wrong in the Phaedra/Kenya ‘Donkey Booty Battle” but from what I heard, Kenya is the shady one in the situation.

In addition to the “back end” money issue dispute, apparently everything I’ve been telling you guys about Moore stealing Park’s Donkey Booty idea is the truth.

[WATCH: The Real Housewives of Atlanta: Back Ends & Donkey Booties… (FULL VIDEO)]

The former pageant queen recently hit up Anderson Cooper’s new daytime talk show, and while her Miss USA speaking skills came quite in handy, it was apparent (to me at least) that Moore is campaigning for a cover up!

Details + watch Kenya Moore on ‘Anderson LIVE’ below…

Anderson Cooper kenya Moore SFTA 2

Kenya struck ‘Gay Gold’ when she decided to record that “Gone With the Wind Fabulous” single, which by the way, she’s selling on iTunes. Miss Liar Liar Pants on Fire Miss USA 1993 twirled her way into the heart of CNN’s Anderson Cooper, appearing on his show recently to dish dirt about her “relationship” situation and her fellow housewives.

VIDEO: Anderson Cooper – Kenya Moore on Breaking Up & Moving On

VIDEO: Anderson Cooper – Kenya Moore on Phaedra Parks’ Donkey Booty vs Her Stallion Booty

Kenya admits to Anderson that while Phaedra has proceeded with her Donkey Booty video series (click HERE for info), she’s moving forward with her “Stallion Booty” video, stating:

Well… why would people want to look like a “Donkey” when they can look like a “Stallion?”

Oooh…. shady! Don’t even get me started on Kenya’s LITERALLY fake “A”zz…. 😯

[Sidebar: I’m almost tempted to post what I heard about how Kenya screwed up her butt implants by not following her plastic surgeons directions to sleep on her stomach, but I’ll save that for later.]

When asked if she thought moving forward with her “Stallion Booty” video was a diss, Kenya states:

It’s not a huge diss to her, it’s a huge diss to me. I told her, ‘you know what, I just want Twenn… 10%,’ and she said ‘No. you don’t deserve anything… zero’.

Kenya doesn’t deserve squat! If she ran off securing deals without securing a contract first, that’s on her. She should have let the attorneys hash it out on paper prior to “putting in work”… but from what I’ve heard, she couldn’t afford an attorney at the time.

As I told y’all a few weeks ago, I heard that Kenya lied and maneuvered her way on to the cast of RHOA because at the time she was FLAT BROKE and well on her way to bankruptcy.

RHOA was just a quick financial come-up for Kenya but trust me when I tell you all of her doo-doo is gonna hit the fan soon…

VIDEO: Anderson Cooper – Kenya Moore Twirls…

Kenya may be twirling all the way to the bank on her web of lies, but one thing’s for sure…. money can’t buy sanity.

Could Kenya’s antics possibly be the demise of the RHOA franchise?

Stay tuned…



Photos/Video: Anderson LIVE!