Usher Raymond Goes Back in Time for a “New Look”… [PHOTOS]

Usher Raymond IV decided recently that it was time for a NEW LOOK.

The sexy singer, and founder of The New Look Foundation, has rocked the rough and rugged look above for quite a few months now, but he decided to do something a lil different.

Ursh hit the tweets and gave his fans a play-by-play as he chose to ditch the sexy mysterious look of the scruffy beard for a more innocent look….? Usher circa “My Way” (1997).

Did Usher accomplish the time machine task? The great reveal below…

Here’s one last look at the beard….

… and POW! It’s all gone… *sigh*

So whattaya think? Did Usher shed 10 years by shaving the beard?

Thumbs up or Thumbs Down on Usher’s NEW LOOK?