WATCH: 10 Things We HATE About Facebook… (Narrated by Puppets) [VIDEO]

You know the stats but let me tell you again…. 500 MILLION people worldwide use Facebook.

That means that just about everyone you know has a Facebook profile and those that say they don’t are probably lying to you.

That being said, social networking is so common place that it has become a part of our everyday existence.

Due to the commonality of our use of social networking, we all have our pet peeves.

I ran across a hilarious viral video recently entitled, “Top 10 Things We Hate About Facebook”.

The video is narrated by puppets but the furry creatures capture the essence of “all things Facebook” that rub us the wrong way.? From photos of the dinner it took your “friend” hours to prepare to Mom stalking your page… I think they just about covered ’em all!

I still can’t stop laughing… 😆

Watch video PLUS read my 10 personal Facebook pet peeves below…

VIDEO: 10 Reason We Hate Facebook

I spotted the video above at AllFaceBook but most of what’s in it I cosign.? Here’s my personal take on their top 10 Facebook issues…

1. Babies…

I personally have nothing against babies and I love seeing all my friends’ kids online. I really do. But turning your profile picture into one of your newborn confuses me.

You’re my “friend” not your baby. Please stop.

2.? Posting photos of your food…

I’m on a diet right now and most of the time I’m hungry. Seeing your meal online just makes me angry. Please stop.

3.? My mom is on Facebook too…

How can anyone tell their Mom she can’t be a friend on Facebook? And once she IS your friend and stalks your page – calling you in the middle of the night questioning your last status update,? just know there’s no easy way to “block” your Mom…? 😕 *sigh*

Mom… I love you. But please stop.

4.? Automatically adding me to your new discussion group…

If you have created a group or fan page that was formed because you support Casey Anthony killing her 2 year old, don’t automatically assume that I want to join… OK?? Please stop.

5.? Finding out that some of my “cool” highschool friends are now kinda lame…

I’ve seen photos of a few of my ex-boyfriends that made me wanna hurl.? In fact I… (oh nevermind).

My point is this… people share a lot of things online, but dude! When you reveal constantly how much you love knitting, line dancing and your cat, you lose “cool points” on the daily… I’m just saying. *shrug*

6.? Sending me pictures of gifts like “car keys” and “designer bags”

You wanna send me a gift? Ask for my P.O. Box and I’ll gladly give it to you. Otherwise STOP posting photos of Gucci Bags on my wall talmbout… “my gift to you”!

If you wanna send me flowers send REAL ONES… wanna buy me a drink? Catch me at the bar!

Just FYI… those lil photo gifts are got-dayum annoying and it’s NOT the thought that counts! Please stop.

7. Tagging me in photos that don’t display me in my best light (or don’t display me AT ALL)…

B*tch you know my mouth was fulla food when you took that picture so why da hell would you think I’d want to show that to ALL MY FRIENDS?!? 😯

Stop dry hating and perhaps consider messaging the person before you just tag em all willy nilly…. I’m just sayin! Please stop.

Oh! And don’t even get me started on those dayum shoe pics and flyers. Since when did I start looking like a pump?

8.? Facebook Friend suggestions…

If your cousin and I aren’t friends, don’t suggest that I “friend” him (or her).? If we become friends by chance, so be it. But don’t try to force the issue.? Hell, it’s bad enough that Facebook has started posting friend suggestions on the side of my page, I don’t need them from you too.

And as far as Facebook is concerned, yeah… Mr. Zuckerberg, I know ol’ girl and I have 2101 friends in common, but I know her offline and don’t really like her there, so please stop tryna play peacemaker!

9.? Default privacy settings…

WARNING: If you don’t customize those mugs you’re in for a world of hurt…. that is all.

10.? Those late night drunk messages/chats and/or private messages from dudes who think FB is their personal dating service…

No thank you. I’m good on that.? Please stop.

I meet my men the old fashioned way. In person!

And now there’s that dayum Facebook video chat feature to consider… Uuuugh!! I’m not even gonna touch that one yet.

Of course this list isn’t all inclusive.

What works your nerves the most about about Facebook?

Feel free to share your pet peeves…