Nivea Wants You To Know… [Her Response to DUI Arrest]

Early yesterday morning I got an email from an anonymous source telling me that Nivea was in custody after having lost control of her car as she was driving home from Antonia “Toya” Carter’s wedding reception.

[READ: PHOTOS: Antonia “Toya” Carter & Memphitz Tie the Knot + Nivea Arrested for DUI]

Word on the curb is Nivea and Lauryn London left the reception DRUNK and she dropped Lauren London off and picked up her son…? (NO she did not take her son to the wedding).

Nivea was on her way to presumably drop her son off so that she could go hang out and drink some more when she lost control of her vehicle and ran into a tree (an inanimate object). She called police and they carted her off to jail after assessing the scene.

Nivea had to sit in jail overnight until someone (anyone) posted a CASH bond which wasn’t more than $3,000.

Honestly, I think no one wanted to bond her out because everyone was so pissed at her poor judgement… but anyway, she’s out now and immediately hit Twitter to respond….

Nivea goes on to explain…

This >>> “Media & Law can be used against you when you don’t know enough about the way they work.”

So is Nivea saying that if she knew she was going to be arrested, she wouldn’t have called the cops? I’m confused. I’m trying to interpret Nivea’s tweets but I just can’t.?? Maybe I’m not drunk enough….

Yes…. thank the LORD that your child was unharmed and that you didn’t hit any innocent drivers.? Nivea… please do better. At the end of the day, ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnd I’m out!

*Update: 6/20/11 3:25pm*