?Log Off? Campaign Begs Moms to Quit Facebook? [VIDEO]

Hold up! What about the Daddys???

Moms on Facebook have been catching a bad rap for years and now a campaign has been started asking all y’all mommies to “log off” the popular social network.

An ad has been created which is basically a call asking moms to log off of Facebook and play with yo dayum kids!

While most of you have enough sense to know when enough is enough, Alexandra Tobias (the 22 year old mom who killed her toddler after he interrupted her FarmVille game time) and Shannon Johnson (the mom sentenced to 10 years after her son drowned while she busy FaceBooking), and THIS chick (NSFW) obviously did NOT!

Watch the “Log Off” Campaign video below:

VIDEO: Mom Log Off Facebook…

But should a few spoiled apples ruin it for the entire bunch?

TheLogOff.org campaign says it doesn’t matter, they just want Moms off…

And again… what about the Daddys??

While the campaign seems to focus on the mother’s of young children, what about us Adults who are stalked online by their parental units? Can we get a logoff campaign too?

[Sidebar: I’m just kidding mom! Please don’t call me fussin’…]

Are you a mom or dad on Facebook who use it to stalk your kids?

Is your Mom and/or Dad following you on Facebook?

Have you blocked your Mom and/or Dad?

I wanna know because parents on facebook is always a hilarious topic!

Spotted @AllFaceBook