Bishop Eddie Long Wants His Accusers to Know? [VIDEO]

Easter Sunday 2011, Bishop Eddie long rocked his cream and lavender muscle vest suit and confidently preached a cryptic message to the four men who filed lawsuits accusing him of sexual coercion.

During New Birth Missionary Baptist church’s annual Easter service, the “Bishop” addressed his congregation with the standard sermon about Jesus rising from the dead for our sins, but throughout his delivery Long made a point of sending a few subliminals to his accusers:

You ain’t messin? with me. I shall rise again and I ain’t going through this…

Similar to the sermon delivered last year soon after the cases were filed (where Long professed to have the final rock that hadn’t been thrown), Long preached an Easter sermon entitled “Run to the Battle”…

VIDEO: Eddie Long Easter 2011 “Run to the Battle”

You have to go down there and let the devil know that what they thought was gonna kill you, didn’t kill you.

What they thought was gonna bring terror to you, didn’t bring terror to you and you made the enemies a public spectacle.

Of course Long never specifically addressed the lawsuit or any possible settlement but the apparent cryptic commentary about his accusers speaks volumes about his state of mind.

I told you months ago that the “Bishop” would be cutting a check and this would all silently go away and as you can see…. that’s exactly what’s about to happen.

The Judge in the case told Channel 2?s Tom Jones that he jump started mediation between Long and the accusers and that they were close to an agreement.

?Why wait to the summer? Why wait to the fall? Get it done now and what better time to do it that,? Dekalb County Magistrate Judge Johnny Panos said.

That should lift that heavy weight from the members of New Birth who have stood by their Bishop throughout it all. When asked outside the church if they felt a sense of relief about the pending settlement and close of the suits, one member simply stated, “I am.”

As you can see, the “Bishop” will have no problems keeping his congregation in tact.

Even after that horrible sex scandal where young former church members cried about the “Bishop” using his spiritual powers to engage in sexual activity…

…even after those horrid spandex cell phone pics of their church leader hit the net.

…even after the allegations of stolen money from financial advisors…

…even after all the New Birth church employee lay-offs

and even after the accusations of illegal gambling and “literally “shots fired” outside of their curch…

New Birth Church members are still going to sip on the kool-aid and will support their “Bishop” regardless of how many boys he boo’s up!

I don’t get it either Yeezy…. *sigh*