You Said It: NeNe Leakes is “Omarosa 2.0″…

Apparently NeNe Leakes’ actions and attitude during this season of Donald Trump’s “Celebrity Apprentice” has gotten quite a few of you all riled up. So much so, that she’s now been dubbed “Omarosa 2.0”!

NeNe is playing that minstrel role to a “T”… shuckin’ and jivin’ in front of the cameras and creating quite a stir online and off.

She started off the season going in on Star Jones and last week she caught flack when she dissed (or was dissed depending on who you ask) the legendary Dionne Warwick….

[READ: Dionne Warwick vs. NeNe Leakes: The Termination Heard Around the NET! ~ VIDEO]

Not to be left out… this week and next NeNe has chosen teammate Latoya Jackson as her new target.

I haven’t even blogged on it yet, but y’all are GOING in on Ms. Leakes!? Since I haven’t watched the show yet, I’ve chosen two of the most passionate comments on the site to speak on NeNe’s “attitude”…


2011/04/11 at 12:32 am

NeNe is a hired gun! Who would act the way she does unless there was some big payday at the other end of her nasty personality. She is the new Omarosa.

Doesn?t it seem strange how both of them came out swinging as if it was their job?

It doesn?t take away however that their nastiness is not a far reach for them because it has to be in them. Her sucker punches, including but not limited to, LaToya Jackson actually felt like a punch in my stomach.

The good news is that after all her “sponsors” get finished with her, she too will disappear to graze in the meadow of anonymity from which she came.

Please Lord, take her! Her behavior is abhorrent and to think that this is what America enjoys in entertainment. I?d take Star Jones and LaToya with their flaws before I could stomach the likes of Leakes. Hahaha, The Likes of Leakes. Poof. Gone. Can?t wait.

What a shame?.oops I mean what a sham! She is hardly real.

And another one…

M. Washington

2011/04/10 at 11:28 pm

I love Star Jones! I think she is a class act in my opinion, but that ugly Mr. Ed with high- heels NeNe I?m not a fan no longer. Fame has gone to this ugly moose of womens head. She is a manipulator, coward, bully, and just pure nasty. This woman soul is hurting badly. I?m just being honest.

And after she through shade to my girl Latoya Jackson on Celebrity Aprentice and made some type of reference to Michael Jackson as far as I?m concerned she can go right back to her barn yard and finishing chewing her grass because thats all she is to me, “A BIG UGLY BLACK HORSE” without a heart!

Was she really that bad Sunday night? I mean seriously… every show needs at least one loud mouthed Black woman to make it entertaining right? 😕

Question: Is NeNe Leakes playing off of her “stereotypical” loud Black woman image to get paid or are we all just being too hard on her?