Mugshot Mania ~ She “Love You Long Time”

Meet 43 year old Christina Yu. Yu was arrested recently after she offered to engage in sex acts with a police offer at a Dalton, Georgia area massage parlor.

Residents told police that sexual activity was occurring at the GQ Spa on Chattanooga Road, Dalton police said. Authorities launched an investigation after receiving several anonymous complaints.

When an undercover officer entered GQ Spa last Friday, Miss. Yu offered the officer masturbation for hire. Yu was jailed on charges of prostitution, masturbation for hire and giving massage in a place used for lewdness.


I think this is a good place for a 2Live Crew flashback…

VIDEO: “Me So Horny” ~ 2LiveCrew

In case you missed it:

Mugshot Mania ~ El “Long Hair Don’t Care” Debarge + Flashback Footage

Mugshot Mania ~ Two Words: “Maia Campbell”

Mugshot Mania ~ Khia “My Neck My Back” Chambers