Mo’Nique “Not Happy” About Her Brother’s Oprah Appearance [VIDEO]

Mo’Nique is felling some kinda way after the brother she accused of molesting her as a child appeared on Oprah this week. Gerald Imes approached Oprah’s show for the interview after Mo’Nique revealed during Barbara Walters Oscar special that she had been molested.

[Watch: Mo’Nique on Barbara Walters’ Oscar Special – VIDEO]

Although Winfrey asked Mo?Nique if it was okay if Gerald Imes appeared on her show, the actress feels that he lied during the interview and that it was not sympathetic enough towards her.

Oprah and Mo?Nique were never the best of friends… Mo?Nique was less than impressed with how the interview played out as she felt that her brother lied and that it was not sympathetic enough towards her.

She was particularly upset that Gerald lied to Oprah that he molested her while she was sleeping because she was wide awake and scared of him. Also, she is angry that he did not get any help or enter a rehab and she does not trust him around children.

Oprah asked her to appear on her show again for another interview but at this point she has declined the invitation.

If anything it has made the situation worse between Mo?Nique and her family and she doesn?t know if she will ever speak to them again now. (Source)

In case you missed it, Mo’Nique’s brother & parents on Oprah:

It’s a sad situation. Especially considering Mo’Nique has been estranged from her parents as well.? Her mother revealed on the show that they hadn’t spoken in almost 2 years.

I agree with some of the things the family said about Mo’Nique discussing it with them first but I guess if she felt they already knew there was no need for discussion.

It still a situation that shouldn’t have to play out in front of the cameras…