Mugshot Mania ~ Call Before You Come…

Introducting Albert Bailey, 27, of Bridgeport, Connecticut. Al and a juvenile accomplice are being laughed at in their jail cells right now after committing the dumbest act I’ve read this week. It’s obviously Al’s an Outkast fan, cause I swear when I read this story I clearly heard Dre’s voice in my head sanging:

?”I’ll call before I come. I won’t just pop up over out the blue. I hope that you do too…”?

You see, Albert took Dre’s advice and phoned ahead prior to committing a planned bank robbery!According to CNN, Tuesday afternoon a bank employee received a phone call demanding that $100,000 in large bills be gathered, or there would be a “blood bath” if the orders were not carried out.

The employee hung up the phone and immediately called 911. The bank also initiated a lockdown of the premises but not before the caller’s accomplice was already inside collecting cash.

According to Lt. Michael Gagner of the Fairfield, Connecticut, Police Department, the accomplice handed a teller a note demanding money at the exact same time the bank employee was talking on the phone to the police.

“The guy is literally giving us a blow-by-blow, saying the robbery is going down,” Gagner said.

After passing the note and collecting about $900, the suspect politely asked to be let out of the bank but by that time, patrol cars were already on the scene.

Gagner added that the caller had insisted that the money waiting for them not be put in a dye pack.? Of course their wishes were not followed, and a bag of cash exploded in dye when one of the suspects threw it on the ground.

“We were all kind of cracking up with the call ahead aspect of it,” Gagner said, “definitely unusual technique.”
