Drake Labeled a “Snitch” After Reporting a Robbery…

Your favorite rapper’s favorite rapper, Aubrey “Drake” Graham has been accused of being a “snitch” after reporting a robbery.

Now some dude is running his mouth all over Twitter posting documents he says proves Drake has lost his “street cred” because of his actions.

The guy above, who calls himself “Big Page” is on a mission to ruin Drake’s pristine image by proving to the masses that he reported a robbery to the police.

*blank stare* 😯

Big Page released the following document that he says proves Drake called the police [Sidebar: I’m laughing as I type this mess] and he also went to his twitter timeline to call out Drake & all his boys as some “Snitch Ass Niggas”.

Apparently Big Page, is Canadian also and feels that Drake isn’t a fair representation of his “hood”. Well er ummm…. it would seem that him posting this police report is comparable to snitching. That is… unless I don’t know the full definition.

Wait. I looked it up! To “snitch” means to tattle or inform.? Therefore, I think Big Page fits the description accurately.

Umma need you kids to start reading more books cause this ish right here is ri-dayum-diculous!

Check out Mrs. Grapevine for the full timeline of tweets.