T.I.’s Response To Child Support Claims

T.I. hit up the internet to clear the air about claims that he does not support his children. In a recent statement (prepared by his attorney), Tip says he goes above and beyond for ALL of his children (and Tiny’s too)! ?Check out his full statement:

“A lot of deceiving information has been reported regarding my recent child support proceeding. It is unfortunate that the media has been used to manipulate the circumstances and distort the facts. Those that know me, all know that there is nothing more important to me than my children. I have always supported all of my children financially, emotionally, and spiritually. This has always been the case and I will continue to do so in the future as this is my responsibility as a parent.

To clarify the recent reports, in addition to the $2000 per month I pay in cash to Lashon Dixon, the mother of my sons Domani and Messiah, I also pay for their private schooling, medical insurance, clothing, food, gifts, birthdays and extracurricular activities. Their extra-curricular activities have included football, basketball, baseball, acting lessons, summer camp, and any other activities that they express a desire to be involved in that will contribute to them leading balanced lives and developing into well rounded individuals. I have also made an attempt to help Lashon with additional payments that have included a down payment to purchase her home, purchase of an automobile for her transportation and other financial obligations. These expenses are documented and are far in excess of the $2000 cash payment that is being paid direct to Lashon. She has chosen not to work and to live 100% from her child support receipts. This is the reason for her difficulties in making ends meet for herself.?

Not only do I support my boys 100% financially, I am also committed to their emotional and spiritual growth. While I would enjoy the luxury of being present for all of my children?s activities, unfortunately the demands of my career and the need to secure my family?s financial security as well as insuring my kid?s personal growth dictates that I travel constantly and work tirelessly. Despite my hectic schedule, I make it a priority to be present for important occasions in their lives. This includes being home for their birthdays, school functions and being present at as many of their extra-curricular activities as I am able. I also am available to them at all times to provide guidance and support as a father regardless of my schedule or location. They are my first priority.

Again, there is nothing more important to me than my children. This is demonstrated by my effort to support them in every way that I can. Any reasonable person knowing the facts would conclude that all of my children?s needs are being far exceeded. My support of them in every way is documented and cannot be legitimately challenged.

I believe that it is every parent?s responsibility to provide unconditional love and support for their kids. I have made every attempt to do so for my boys. Again, I provide 100% of their financial support. I should only be judged for my actions and not Lashon?s conscience decision not to work and not to contribute to the financial support of our boys.” (Source)

Tell ’em Tip!!