[FLASHBACK: Grand Opening/Grand Closing! Rosanne Canceled After Comedian’s Racist Tweets…]
“Roseanne Barr is my sister. And my universal sister. And what I won’t do, Sam, is throw her away for making a mistake. We all did things baby we wish we could take back and swallow, and say, ‘Oh!’ But when you?re in the public eye, you can’t. And it?s out there. But to put the title of racist out there, I can only share my experience with Roseanne.??”
[Sidebar: “Sisters In Comedy”, that might actually make a decent name for the tour that Mo’Nique is praying for… but I digress. ]
Mo’Nique goes on to speak about how Roseanne supported her during her days at BET and appeared on ‘The Mo’Nique Show’ when there were big name black celebrities who chose not to appear on the show.
Watch Mo’Nique explain it below… Continue Reading…
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