UPDATE: Tyrese Ordered to Pay $636K for Ex-Wife’s Child Support & Legal Bills…

Welp… it seems the judge in Tyrese Gibson’s divorce case is officially sicka-him!!

[READ: Tyrese’s Call to March on Court House FAILED!]

Judge Kevin M. Farmer, the judge Tyrese publicly called out as being “racist” prior to his child custody hearing has ordered him in CONTEMPT and says he has to fork over nearly $250K to his ex-wife, and almost $400K to her attorney!

Details + video below…

Gibson appeared today in Fulton County court to deal with his ongoing child support battle with Samantha Lee Gibson (Schwelenberg). One of the main bones of contention in the case, was Tyrese’s refusal to pay the $10,000/month he was ordered to pay last August, because he felt the judge was “racist” and biased against him (click HERE if you missed that).

According to TMZ, Tyrese took the stand today to state how he feels the $10K is excessive — he claims Samantha doesn’t need that much, because she makes good money on her own.

Inside court, the judge fired back at Tyrese for his failure to cough up the money he’d been ordered to pay, and held him in contempt of court. He could have been arrested, but the judge cut him a break … well, aside from the staggering amounts of money he’s gotta pay now.

Tyrese was ordered to pay a total of $237,944 in back child support for their daughter Soraya and $399K for Samantha’s attorney fees. He also has to foot a $17K bill for the special master … a referee, of sorts, appointed by the judge to handle minor disputes during the case.

For the record, Samantha’s attorney Adam Gleklen tells TMZ that all she wants is to co-parent their daughter, follow the court orders and move forward in peace.

Welp… Oh well. He shoulda just paid his “Black Queen” the $10,000 in the first place.

What are your thoughts about Tyrese’s child support developments?