EXTENDED FIRST LOOK! WEtv’s ‘Waka & Tammy: What the Flocka’…. (VIDEO) #whattheflocka

Waka Flocka Flame and Tammy Rivera are prepping for the premiere of their new WEtv spin off, ‘Waka & Tammy: What The Flocka”.

In a recently released 11+ minute teaser, the hip-hop couple struggles with the challenges of married life, which is exacerbated by the pressures of being public figures.  It doesn’t help matters that Waka’s mom, Deb Antney seems to have a say in just about every conflict!

Check out the extended FIRST LOOK video below…

Waka and Tammy are rocked by the challenges of married life; money, sex, family and fame. Tammy tries to juggle the pressure of having it all, but outside forces come crashing down upon her. Meanwhile, Waka is torn and questioning his marriage.

What are your thoughts about the extended FIRST LOOK teaser of ‘Waka & Tammy: What the Flocka’?