Phaedra Parks’ Arch Nemesis Angela Stanton PARDONED By Trump…

Remember Angela Stanton? If the name sounds familiar that’s because it’s forever linked to former Real Housewives of Atlanta star Phaedra Parks.

Stanton is the author of the infamous “tell-all” book that she claims was based on her true story of crimes and lies surrounding former friend Parks. The book may have fell flat, but the story carried on… so much so, that Parks unsuccessfully attempted to sue her former friend (click HERE if you missed that).

Despite the fact that Stanton wrote about her crimes, her close association with the Trump administration has cleared her criminal record.

Details below…

Sometimes life is stranger than fiction and if this isn’t an indication of that, I don’t know what is!

Author and TV personality, Angela Stanton is no stranger to controversy but she’s a reformed criminal who has totally cleaned up her act.

Stanton, an ardent Trump supporter, recently received a presidential pardon for her life of crimes.

Trump pardoned 7 people last Tuesday, including Angela, former Chicago Governor Rod Blagojevich, who was impeached and went to prison for trying to sell Barack Obama’s senate seat and former New York police commissioner Bernie Kerik, who pled guilty to 8 felony charges including tax fraud and lying to White House officials.

In the statement from the White House press secretary, Trump notes…

Angela Stanton overcame a difficult childhood to become a champion for redemption and rehabilitation for all who strive for a better life. In 2007, she served a 6-month home confinement sentence for her role in a stolen vehicle ring.

Today, Ms. Stanton is a national best-selling author, widely acclaimed television personality, and proponent of criminal justice reform. She works tirelessly to improve reentry outcomes for people returning to their communities upon release from prison, focusing on the critical role of families in the process.

This pardon is supported by Alveda King.

For the record, Stanton’s social media presence has been largely devoted to Trump’s re-election and despite receiving backlash online, she has managed to troll her way right into the white house.

The author claims she had no idea a pardon was coming (despite filing a petition a while back) and doesn’t know why she was chosen. However critics accuse Trump of trying to normalize corruption with his recent flurry of pardons.

Clearly Angela Stanton was in good company as Trump gave her a fresh start with a cleared criminal record.

What are your thoughts about Angela Stanton’s pardon?