5 Things Revealed on #RHOA Season 12 Episode 15 | Kenya vs. Ken + Watch FULL Video…

The Real Housewives of Atlanta aired the 15th episode of its 12th season last night (February 24, 2019).

[FLASHBACK: 5 Things Revealed on Season 12, Episode 14 | Lions & Tigers & Shade + Watch Full Video]

This week’s episode is entitled “Kenya vs Ken” and fans get to witness the many personalities of Kenya Moore.

Bravo synopsis:

Cynthia and Mike’s relationship is tested when his past gets to be too much for her to handle; The girls let out their frustrations during a game of kickball; Marc returns and invites Kenya’s nemesis to group “couples bowling.”

Recap + full video below…

VIDEO: RHOA Season 12 Episode 15 | Ken vs Kenya (FULL EPISODE)

Eva’s “bed rest”…

At the time of taping, Eva Marcille was still pregnant. Clearly she was having false labor pains last week when Cynthia Bailey “volunteered” to leave Nene Leakes’ leopard event to rush her to the hospital.

I caught a lot of flack for saying that Eva was faking… but um, yeah… it’s clear she was. In this episode, Eva claims to have been regulated to bed rest, however she makes it out to each and every event!!

Eva attended the Kandi & Kenya’s kick ball game… Eva attended Kenya’s couple’s bowling event… I think it’s safe to say Eva wasn’t on bed rest.

Whatever the case, it seems Eva’s pregnancy is all she has and she’s using it to her advantage. Good for her.

Moving on.

CHill needs counseling…

zzzzzzz…. oops!!! I almost feel asleep while writing this section.

Mike and Cynthia have a discussion about their communication issues and now it seems they need counseling.

Cynthia says that Mike doesn’t know how to argue and that he walks away instead of communicating. Clearly they see how well Porsha and Dennis’ counseling sessions have worked, so I assume C-Hill wants the same results.

Do we care… no? OK.

Gregg gets an invite/Nene does not…

Nene and Gregg have a conversation about her leopard event and she commiserates about how it seems none of the ladies wanted to come. Nene felt it was a bit “weird”… Eva and her fake labor, Cynthia being Eva’s voluntary uber driver, Kenya showing up for 7 minutes, Kandi staying but throwing shade at her “sisterhood”… yeah, it seemed the odds were against her for a successful group event.

Nevertheless, Nene says she persevered and at least got a chance to make amends with Porsha.

Gregg then tells his wife that he and Marc have been texting each other about Marc’s charity event and that Marc invited him out. Nene notes that Kenya sent out an invite that included everyone (including Gregg) but omitted her.

Clearly Kenya is the queen of petty and she makes no excuses about it.

Kandi and Kenya’s kickball event…

Kandi sends out invites and most of the ladies are on board. Somehow, word hit Mama Joyce’s streets that it’s not only Kandi’s event, but Kenya’s so Nene respectfully, bows out.

Kenya admits that she left Nene’s event before the host arrived because she doesn’t like Nene. Period.

[Sidebar: Kandi and Kenya are clearly partners in whatever this THING is they have against Nene, despite Kandi pretending like she’s a neutral party. But I dgress…]

The kickball event goes off without a hitch. Eva even hops off “bed rest” to attend.

Nene and Tanya were the only ladies who weren’t in attendance as each of them have issues with Kenya. Marlo shows up and despite all of their wig drama, Kenya chooses her on her team. See… it seems some of them really can FORGIVE for their shady ways.

I wonder what the issue is with them forgiving Nene?!?! It seems this season they have Nene on a whole apology tour while others get a quick pass for worse offenses.

Kenya totally tried to ruin Marlo’s wig event… pass.

Kenya almost ruined Cynthia’s proposal… pass.

Porsha said Kandi tried to drug her and had a sex “jungeon”… pass.

Cynthia went behind Kenya’s back to talk to Tanya about the cookie lady… pass

Kenya threw Cynthia under the bus and told everyone she knew about the cookie lady… pass.

Hell… there are so many “passes” that we could dig up, which still begs the question… ‘why are there so many grudges against Nene?’

The game ends with Kenya’s team winning over Kandi’s team and Kandi confessing that she likes to “win”. The ladies also reveal that they are co-hosting the next group trip which is to Athens, Greece.


Who the hell is “Ken”?!

Kenya and Marc make a rare appearance together as they host a “couples” bowling event so that Marc can be introduced to the rest of the cast prior to his charity event.

The couple seem a bit awkward, like they aren’t really accustomed to spending time together… which is understandable since they’ve never actually resided in the same home.

Kenya stresses that it’s “couples only” so several of the ladies took that to mean they couldn’t attend without their significant others. Apparently the rules only apply to those that Kenya doesn’t like because Eva and Cynthia come as each other’s dates.

Marc, however, doesn’t know where Kenya got that from because he said he wanted everyone to come. Kenya tries to backtrack but her bestie Kandi reminds her that she told Tanya she couldn’t come without Paul.

When Kenya attempts to explain… Marc tells her to “reign it in” and refers to her as “Ken”.

Another interesting confrontation pops up between Kenya and Porsha as Porsha angrily calls out the former beauty queen for the nasty way she’s treated Tanya. (YEEESSSS Porsha stand up for your friend!!!)

Nene and Gregg show up unannounced and Kenya seems a bit perplexed. Nene seems to be in a great mood and greets all of the ladies with hugs. Kenya totally ignores Nene and proceeds to pretend like she’s texting on her phone.

Nevertheless, Marc is happy to see his friend Gregg and tells Nene that she’s DEFINITELY invited to the event because he would never separate a couple.

Marc then drags Kenya into the conversation to reiterate that she’s totally on board. Kenya… I mean “Ken” reluctantly agrees with her husband to the delight of Porsha and Kandi who are amused by her transformation.

Nene takes that opportunity to tell Kenya that she does NOT have an issue with her and tries to clear the air. Kenya claims they will talk later because she clearly doesn’t want to show Marc how nasty she can be to his new friends.

What are your thoughts about this week’s episode?