Richard Pryor, Jr. Publicly Address Paul Mooney Allegations… (VIDEO)

The rumors about Paul Mooney’s “inappropriate” relationship with Richard Pryor’s son clearly are not going away any time soon.

The late, great comic’s bodyguard shocked fans when he spilled the tea earlier this year claiming Pryor once put a hit out on fellow comedy legend Paul Mooney for seducing his then underage son, Richard Pryor Jr.

[READ: Richard Pryor Reportedly Put a Hit Out on Paul Mooney for Violating Son, Wife Confirms Reports…]

Now Pryor, Jr. is speaking out and it seems he has confirmed all the chatter.

Details + video below…

RhymesWithSnitch reports that Richard Pryor, Jr. recently addressed the allegations.

In a recent interview Richard Pryor Jr does not call Paul Mooney by name but acknowledges receiving an apology from his father’s former bodyguard because it was “not his story to tell.” Junior also readily admits something happened to him and that it happened when he was underage.

While refusing to outright clear Paul Mooney, Junior says he has not talked to Paul, his sons who staunchly denied the reports, or anyone from his camp since the allegations were made public.

Mooney has kept a low profile since the allegations surfaced. He even canceled a planned appearance in Atlanta following all of the drama (click HERE if you missed that).

What are your thoughts about Pryor, Jr. speaking out about the EXPLOSIVE allegations?