5 Things Revealed on The Real Housewives of Atlanta Season 12, Episode 2 ‘Cheatin Heart’ + Watch FULL Video…

Yeah I know… This recap is hella late, but thanks for bearing with me. So many people told me that The Real Housewives of Atlanta was a snooze fest this week that I didn’t rush to watch it. But I finally caught up.

[READ: Recap: 5 Things Revealed on Season 12, Episode 1 “The Moore The Merrier + Watch Full Video]

Season 12, Episode 2 was titled ‘Cheatin’ Heart’ and the Bravo synopsis states:

Cynthia and Kandi try to clean up the mess of the Barbie Bash aftermath. After learning about Eva’s distrust, Kenya unleashes her unfiltered thoughts on Cynthia. While struggling to make sense of her relationship, Porsha drops a bomb that no one is expecting.

Recap + watch full episode below…

VIDEO: RHOA Season 12, Episode 2 “Cheatin’ Heart’

Dennis and Porsha still pretending…

Let’s all play along with this Dennis and Porsha storyline, shall we?

During a conversation with Kandi and Cynthia, Porsha states that she’s been going through it over Dennis and all the cheating allegations since having baby PJ and it seems she’s not putting much effort into her appearance because of all the stress.

This week, Porsha reveals that Dennis took her ring back, which seems a bit odd if HE’S the person cheating… but again… let’s all play along.

It seems that Kandi and Porsha are in a good place now, even though most of the gossip about Dennis seems to travel from Kandi’s social circle. Kandi admits that she was apprehensive about bringing Porsha the news (again) but Porsha seems to be down for the mess this time.

Cynthia interjects, asking if anyone had heard anything about her man (as if anyone cares), and they tell her to nope and to “Chill”… i.e. calm down and stop being so THIRSTY.

Meanwhile, Porsha’s fake relationship drama was absolutely BUSTED by RHOA cameras this week as they caught Dennis leaving the house and kissing her goodbye.

In response, Porsha shares with her BFF Shamea Morton that she and Dennis had been intimate the night before but states that doesn’t mean they’re back together. In fact, as I reported back in July, they never broke up…

[FLASHBACK: Rumor Control: Dennis & Porsha Did NOT Break Up… ]

Porsha also decides to attend couple’s counseling with Dennis to work through their pretend internet issues, but we never see Dennis go into the office, nor come out. There weren’t even any cars parked nearby to indicate that he arrived before her.

[Sidebar: Umma need production to get their pick up scenes together if they want us to buy into this Dennis & Porsha drama without questioning it. But I digress… ]

CONFIRMED! Cynthia is a flip flopper…

Welp… it’s official. Cynthia is flip flopping all over our tv screens like a fish outta water.

Bailey’s “friend” Kenya Moore was first to call her out about it after Cynthia co-signed Eva Marcille’s decision not to bring her kids to Baby Brooklyn’s Barbie bash because of Kenya’s “bad energy”.

Kenya takes offense to her “friends” assessment of her and Cynthia does what she does best… flip flops and tries to deflect but Kenya wasn’t having it.

Moore states that Cynthia has some nerve trying to defend Eva when she and Cynthia are supposed to be “friends”. Kenya even states in her confessional that Cynthia picked her (Kenya) to be her ride or die, but now she’s latching on the Eva.

Two words… Flip Flopper.

Marlo borrowed some kids…

Marlo tells Kandi that she has possession of her sister’s kids after she was admitted to mental facility. She is also babysitting her cousin’s son over the summer while she’s in dental school.

Hampton’s story seems plausible and it is definitely a noble act to step in for kids when your family falls short. Hopefully she’ll open up more of her life so that she can finally land the peach she deserves.

Cynthia’s daughter Noelle comes out…

Noelle is a lezz-bun?! Chile I guess… now y’all can stop the fake outrage over the college drop out living out west with Mike Hill.

[READ: Would You Let Your Daughter Live With Your Long Distance Love? Ask Cynthia Bailey…]

Nevertheless, during filming Noelle was still in school at Howard and Cynthia inquires about all the cute guys she noticed on campus.

Noelle corrects her mom, and states that she has a few girl’s she’s “interested in romantically”.

Many have suggested that Noelle is “sexually fluid” i.e. bisexual but honestly, I could care less about her dipping in the lady pond. Whatever floats her boat.

Moving on.

Eva’s colorism is showing…

Eva is a bit perturbed about the Porsha discussing when, how, and where she brings her kids so she rants about it with Kandi and Cynthia.

“That s**t is messy. Porsha just had a baby,” Marcille said in the clip from last Sunday’s episode, responding to Williams’ comments.

“And I tip-toed around her whole little feelings. C’mon now. B***h, you want me to go off! Porsha got enough bulls**t goin’ on in her life, but she can converse about that? She needs some business, and I can show her a lot of these blogs so she can mind that business!”

[Sidebar: As I’ve already stated, Porsha is letting the blawgs write her storyline… but I digress.]

Marcille also attempts to drag Porsha’s daughter by referring to Baby Pilar as “Dennis with a bow”.

Later on in the episode, Marcille refers to both Williams and Moore as “nappy-headed little girls” and fans did NOT appreciate her obvious colorist attitude.

[READ: Eva Marcille Dragged by Black Twitter over “Nappy Head” Comment + Porsha Responds… ]

It’s not the first time Eva has displayed her internalized sense of prejudices. In fact, just last season the top model disrespected Shamea Morton by calling her “black without the q” referring to her dark skin.

Needless to say, Eva is getting a rude awakening when it comes to her thought processes and Porsha has stated that there’s still more to come.

I’ll be back to my regularly scheduled recaps next week…


What were your thoughts about season 12 episode 2 of The Real Housewives of Atlanta?