RECAP: Married to Medicine Season Season 7, Episode 3 ‘Resuscitated Friendships’ + Watch FULL Video… #MarriedtoMed

The seventh season of Married to Medicine is off to an interesting start. There’s already been a ton of drama and we’re only 3 episodes in!

Last week, we were left with a very bad taste in our mouths after Dr. Jackie’s EMERGEN-Tea event.

[READ: Married to Medicine Season 7, Episode 2 ‘Stirring the Teapot” + Watch Full Video…]

This week’s episode is entitled, “Resuscitated Friendships” and it seems there may be a possibility to restore some broken relationships.

Bravo synopsis:

Simone and Quad struggle to repair their friendship, but a breaking point may be near. Toya and her family struggle to heal from her miscarriage. Dr. Heavenly vents to Damon that Alaura is growing up too fast, but Simone wants her boys to grow up and clean up. Jackie and Simone hatch a surprise dinner with Heavenly and Mariah to work out their issues, but will Heavenly and Mariah run for the door when they discover the ambush?

Recap + video below…

VIDEO: Married to Medicine Season Season 7, Episode 3 ‘Resuscitated Friendships’

Trios and Foursomes…

Simone and Dr. Jackie meet for a quick lunch and Dr. Jackie brings flowers. Jackie says she wants to set up a dinner between Simone and Heavenly to hash out their differences.

It seems Jackie has come to the realization that she doesn’t want to be in the middle of Simone and Heavenly’s battle and reminisces over the fact that they used to be a ‘threesome’.

While Simone admits that Jackie has mostly stayed out of it, she tells her friend that she’ll agree to a dinner with Heavenly if Jackie will agree to hash it out with Mariah.

Jackie tells Simone they can make it a foursome… she just wants to make it happen.

A Woman’s Place…

Dr. Contessa speaks with Dr. Heavenly about the argument she and her husband had last week.

Heavenly tells Dr. Contessa that she needs to put her marriage first and that she should have never left the kids home with her husband.

Heavenly states “There’s God, there’s marriage and then everything else”… and also says that a woman’s place is to be at home. She reminds Contessa that she signed up to be a wife.

Contessa doesn’t feel that Heavenly is practicing what she’s preaching in that Heavenly has never seemed the type to sit back and let her man’s career take precedence over hers.

Nevertheless, Contessa agrees that she knew going away to school would be a sacrifice for her family and she feels she’s being a horrible mom. She admits that something has to change.

Still Healing…

Toya and her family struggle with the healing process after revealing her miscarriage. It seems that Toya and Eugene are not the only one’s affected emotionally, in fact, their young son’s are still coping with the loss.

Toya finds out one of her son’s has been acting out in class and she decides it’s time to speak with them about their feelings. She feels that maybe she should not have told them so early in her pregnancy and that she inadvertently caused them pain by making them a part of the process.

Toya and Eugene talk it out with their sons and let’s them know that it’s ok to grieve. While the family is still recovering from the loss, Toya says they are on the path to healing.

Family meeting…

Dr. Simone and her family are finally under one roof but it seems there needs to be some adjustments.

Simone calls a family meeting. She is outnumbered when it comes to her family as the only woman in the house, and with three “men” around, Simone feels that she shouldn’t be the only one with household duties.

Simone starts off the meeting telling the family that they need to pick up after themselves, take out the trash and she shouldn’t be the only one picking up poop.

The “men” all agree, but they have some demands of their own. Simone comes home from work yelling and screaming so they feel that EVERYONE should agree to work on themselves.

In a loving moment, the family all embraces and Simone says she feels ganged up on because she only yells because she has to ask them multiple times to do mundane household tasks.

Let it Go!

Quad speaks with Dr. Jackie about the incident with Dr. Simone. Quad feels that Dr. Simone isn’t willing to take accountability for what happened at the Crab Boil.

Jackie says that Quad needs to let it go and that SHE’S not taking accountability for her part in the issue.

Quad is adamant that she’s done nothing wrong and if Simone would apologize (again) she would be open to rekindling their friendship.

Meanwhile, Jackie and Simone plan and surprise dinner with Heavenly and Mariah to hash things out.

Simone brings Mariah while Jackie brings Heavenly and they don’t tell either of them that the other will be there until they arrive at the restaurant. Both Heavenly and Mariah feel bamboozled and there’s an awkward silence at the table.

Mariah explains why she is offended with Dr. Jackie and apparently Dr. Jackie doesn’t seem to understand why she was offended in the first place. Mariah says that Dr. Jackie should have fact checked first or at least talked to her about those scandalous cocaine allegations, while Dr. Jackie says that Mariah never talks to her.

Whatever the case, they decide to squash it as Dr. Jackie apologizes for offending Mariah.

Dr. Heavenly takes that opportunity to apologize to Dr. Simone but things don’t go as smoothly. Heavenly wants Simone to admit that it was wrong for her husband to disrespect her on twitter, but Simone doesn’t see it that way.

Simone get’s emotional and even sheds tears when explaining her position to Heavenly and eventually they hash things out and decide to restore their friendship.

The ladies all hug it out and THIS WEEK things are left on a high note.

What are your thoughts about this week’s episode?