#RHOA Eva Marcille Explains Why She Changed Daughter’s Last Name + Bio Dad Kevin McCall Responds…

Eva Marcille Sterling of The Real Housewives of Atlanta recently hit the airwaves to explain her decision to change her daughter Marley’s last name from McCall to her marital name of Sterling.

Of course Marley’s bio dad, Kevin McCall, had a lot to say about the matter.

Video + details below…

In the video below, Eva explains that Marley was the only one in her growing family that didn’t have the last name “Sterling.”

Eva shares her story with her Dish Nation radio audience and thanks the judge who aided in the transition, stating:

Thank you to the honorable Judge Manning here in Fulton County Court. Marley is now officially and legally Marley Rae Sterling.

She continues…

For my family it’s amazing. I never really wanted my daughter to feel like odd man out and I didn’t think about it when having her, but now that I am married and I do have more children… it’s you know… she STARTED our family and since she is the head as far as the kids are concerned I felt it necessary that she take the same name that we have.

Eva further contemplates to fans in her radio audience who face similar mixed family issues, stating:

At what point as a mom, or even a dad, do you do that? When you are raising a child that has a different last name as the rest of your family, when is it proper to change the child’s last name? When is proper to tell the child? Especially with mine where the child is young?

And what’s the cut off age. Say you get married and the kid is 11 or 12. Do you still change the name?

Meanwhile, Marley’s bio dad, Kevin McCall, who is known to troll his ex online, hit the net with the a “throwback” pic of he and Eva indicating his desire to co-parent:

[Sidebar: It’s not the first time McCall has hit the net to “reminisce” about his ex (click HERE to refresh your memory), but I digress.]

After facing backlash for his choice of photo, McCall deleted the pics and reiterated his thoughts with a meme instead:

Before you mistake my passion of speaking my mind, for seeking validation OR actually being bothered and annoyed by people i never knew; you’re wasting valuable time and energy u could be using to rebuild and reconstruct your own life. “I never Knew You” Matthew 7:21-23

21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’

[FLASHBACK: Kevin McCall Responds To Eva Marcille’s Lifetime Block: “Can’t We All Just Get Along?”]

Did McCall sign away his parental rights? If he’s asking to “co-parent” why not go to the courts to make that happen?

What are your thoughts about Eva’s decision to change her daugther’s last name?