OPEN POST: Ciara & Russell Wilson Share Secret to Marital Success… #Datenight

Ciara and Russell Wilson are not going to allow the mundane day to day reality of marriage spoil their blissful union.

In fact, the cute couple recently shared their secret to long lasting love and it’s actually pretty simple.

Russ and I love our date nights once a week. They always bring us closer and closer together. Grateful for these moments ??. Let me know what you all do! ??

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CiCi and Russel shared their special love tip of adding date nights to maintain love connections, asking, ‘What are things you and your love do to stay connected? ??’

Ciara and Russell have the cutest relationship. I can only imagine what their date nights consist of. I mean… are we talkin’ pizza and a movie or a one day trip to France?

I’m sure CiCi and Russ make it special either way!

How do you feel about Ciara’s #Datenight suggestion for keeping love alive?

What are your tricks for maintaining the spark in your relationship?