Future Refuses to Boycott GUCCI: “If you want to give me my money back, then we can talk” (VIDEO)

NEWSFLASH!! If you expect to see Future Hendrixx without his favorite Gucci flip flops… think again!

Many have publicly “cancelled” the popular fashion house after their racist blackface scandal (click HERE if you missed that), but Future is not one of them.

The popular entertainer spoke about the controversy in a recent interview with Atlanta’s Streetz 94.5 and explains why he plans to continue to wear Gucci despite all of the backlash.

Details + video below…

In the video above, Future says he’s not giving up his Gucci because he paid his hard earned money for it!

I bought Gucci before it got cancelled. So I?m still going to wear it. Because that?s my money. If you want to give me my money back, then we can talk ? you can buy my clothes back if you don?t want me to wear it. I don?t feel like they did [the blackface sweater] out of ill intentions, but it ain?t for me to judge.

The rapper continues,

Everybody always wants to judge somebody before having a real conversation with the designer. Without having a real conversation with the designer, y?all don?t know the background of the designer.

The designer mama could be black, the designer daddy could be black, they don?t even understand. They?re just going off what somebody say off a comment. I can?t go off a comment. I just don?t know how to do it. That would be ignorant of me.

Gucci has been working overtime to repair its image in the wake of the blackface scandal and has started an initiative to foster more diversity and inclusivity within the company.

As previously reported, rapper T.I. called for a 3 month boycott of the fashion brand which should be ending in about a month.

What are your thoughts about Future’s statements?