R. Kelly “Breaks Down” in Interview With Gayle King… (VIDEO)

R. Kelly has broken in silence in his first interview since the controversial ‘Surviving R. Kelly’ interview.

In an explosive interview with Gayle King, Kelly talks about the sexual abuse charges that landed him in jail last month and gets so emotional that he had to be calmed down by his publicist.

Video below…

The embattled R&B singer spoke with ?CBS This Morning? co-host Gayle King for nearly 80 minutes Tuesday says all the women now accusing him of physical and sexual abuse are totally lying on him.

In the interview above which aired this morning, Kelly gets indignant about the accusations that have plagued him for nearly decades, stating:

“I’m very tired of all of the lies. I’ve been hearing things, and you know, and seeing things on the blogs, and you know, you know, I’m just tired,” Kelly said.

“What are the lies that you’re hearing that disturb you most?” King asked.

“Oh my God. Um — all of them, got little girls trapped in the basement? helicopters over my house trying to rescue someone that doesn’t need rescuing because they’re not in my house,” he said, adding, “Handcuffing people, starving people. I have a harem, what you call it ? a cult. I don’t even really know what a cult is. But I know I don’t have one.”

Kelly flat out denies having sex with anyone under the age of 17 and soon gets so upset that he stands up and yells at King, stating:

“That’s stupid! Use your common sense. Forget the blogs, forget how you feel about me. Hate me if you want to, love me if you want. But just use your common sense.

How stupid would it be for me, with my crazy past and what I’ve been through ? oh right, now I just think I have to be monster, and hold girls against their will, chain them up in my basement, and don’t let them eat, don’t let them out, unless they need some shoes down the street from their uncle!”

King tries to calm him down, repeated stating… “Robert ” but Kelly gets more heated by the minute.

“Stop it. You all quit playing! Quit playing! I didn’t do this stuff! This is not me! I’m fighting for my f***ing life! Y’all killing me with this sh*t!” Kelly said, standing up. “I gave you 30 years of my f***ing career!”

“Thirty years of my career! And y’all trying to kill me? You killing me, man! This is not about music! I’m trying to have a relationship with my kids! And I can’t do it! Y’all just don’t want to believe the truth! You don’t want to believe it!” Kelly said.

King pauses the interview to let Kelly gain composure and Kelly’s publicist aids in calming him down. ?The ‘pied piper’ says he wants it all caught on tape, stating:

“I hope this camera keep going ? This is not true! That doesn’t even make sense! Why would I hold all these women? Their fathers and mothers told me, we’re going to destroy your career!”

“It’s real girls out there missing! There’s real young girls out there being abducted, being raped, OK?” Kelly said. “They really are on chains. They really do have chains on their?on their wrists and they can’t get out and they end up buried and dead.”

King tells Kelly, “I don’t want you just ranting at the camera,” but Kelly is adamant that he wants to be heard.

“I came here for them to hear me talk. I need help!” Kelly said.

“What kind of help?” King asks.

“This is the kind of help I need. I need somebody to help me not have a big heart, because my heart is so big. People betray me, and I keep forgiving ’em!” Kelly said.

“You sound like you’re playing the victim here. You sound like, R. Kelly ? you do. I listen to you and it does sound like you’re playing the victim card,” King said.

What are your thoughts about Kelly’s explosive interview with Gayle King?