Quick Quotes: Keri Hilson Blasts Blacks Who Choose NOT To Vote…

Keri Hilson has been clear on her support of Georgian Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams and she recently hit the tweets to share her disappointment about Black folks who opted to stay away from the polls.

Details below…

Taking first to Twitter, then Instagram, the Atlanta-raised singer slammed anyone that chooses to make the conscious decision not to vote. ?I despise your inaction,?she wrote. ?I don?t respect your excuses, and I don?t hear your complaints. You stand for NOTHING.?

Hilson also reminds everyone of the historical impact of voting, expressing all the verbal, social and physical violence that our Black ancestors suffered through to pass down our rights to check off the ballots.

For once, Keri is right about something.

I’ve had several conversations over the past few weeks about voting and it saddens me to hear that so many choose to sit idle and do nothing.

How can “we” as a people, claim to want change but refuse to do anything about it? *sigh*

So what? Your candidate didn’t win.? Get over it! Perhaps if some of you were active in REAL LIFE instead of on the internet, there would have been different results.

But I digress.

What are your thoughts about Keri’s statements?