Is She Still Invited To The Cookout? Omarosa Calls Interviewer a ‘B*TCH’ After Being Called Out About Being A Sellout… (VIDEO)

Omarosa Manigault-Newman was making strides to regain entry into the Black community after outing Trump with her secret recordings but it seems she will buckle and fold under tough questioning.

Omarosa sat down with Clay Cane, host of Sirius XM Urban View Radio on Thursday and soon pitched a fit and walked out.

The interview started out with a handshake and pleasantries exchanged, but by the end, the Celebrity Apprentice alum was storming out while dropping the b-word on Clay!

Details + video below…

Clay posted a snippet of the exchange on his Twitter account stating: ?In trying to interview Omarosa, she insulted my hair, called me ignorant, gutter and a bitch. She clearly picked up Trump?s habits.?

At the beginning of the one-minute clip, Clay, an award-winning journalist and author who is best known as director and creator of the documentary Holler If You Hear Me: Black and Gay in the Church, attempts to call out Omarosa out for being a “sell out” to the black community by working with the Trump administration.

The former reality show star then whips out her phone and starts filming the heated exchange. At one point the ex-Trump staffer says ?You are screaming, you?ve lost control. You have lost control of yourself.?

Omarosa continues to film Clay as they verbally spar and Clay can be heard stating, ?Now I?m in the category with Ed Gordon. I?m in the category with Simone Sanders? the Black folks in media you?ve attacked.?

The pastor?s wife was leaving out and still filming when Clay tells her she did not have permission to film him and therefore could not post it. ?I?m posting it, bitch,? Omarosa says seconds before making her exit.

What are your thoughts about Omarosa’s heated exchange with this Black journalist who called her out?