GOOD DEEDS: Ludacris Bought $375 Dollars In Groceries For Stranger…

Christopher ‘Ludacris’ Bridges shared some of his wealth with a stranger recently as he graciously paid for her groceries.

Luda told the anonymous stranger “You might as well get it!” as the two were in line at an Atlanta area Whole Foods store.

Many have joked that “Whole Foods’ will take your “Whole” check as it’s known to be quite pricey in comparison to other grocery stores, and apparently the women’s $250 gift card didn’t cover the cost of her goods. Fortunately, Luda was there to pick up the slack just in time and is now the subject of an amusing story shared via Facebook.

Be like Ludacris y’all.

I know I’m gonna do it. Pay it forward. We can, every one of us, do SOMEthing for others. You never know a stranger?s full story when you reach out a hand and yank them into a better place.

Details + video below…

A woman named Therra Gwyn-Jaramillo described, over the course of a 1,200 word essay on Facebook, how a man named “Chris” had purchased her groceries at Whole Foods ? $375 worth ? in a moment of grave need.

Gwyn-Jaramillo of Atlanta says she has been struggling ?emotionally, physically and financially,? since her husband died of brain cancer in 2014. More recently, however, she ?ran into a financial hit of almost $4,000 within one month when I had to get a new water heater ($2,000) and I didn?t get a freelance writing check I was owed,? Gwyn-Jaramillo wrote in a now viral Facebook post, which has over thousands of shares.

The good deed made it all the way to the New York Times as the author noted that apparently, “this is just some nice guy thing that Luda likes to do often”.

[Sidebar: Now if I could just find a wealthy benefactor who just so happens to look over my shoulder as I attempt to buy everything off of my Amazon Wishlist with the $5.49 I have left in my account, my day would be made! But I digress… ]

Ludacris seems to be a very generous guy. Some people have all of the luck. Meanwhile, when I’m in the store and I forgot my MVP card, I ask YOU …and you just shake your head like sharing your MVP store card would be illegal or something. smh shame on you all. Luda must have had a profound effect on her because she had decided to pay it forward.

For the record, Luda’s manager and friend Chaka Zulu says that good deeds aren’t rare when it comes to Luda, stating:

“Luda does these things all the time. But he doesn?t want to do interviews to highlight it. It?s just his heart.”

Despite his silence, there are several receipts online…

What are your thoughts about Luda’s good deeds?