#RHOA Recap: 5 Things Revealed on Season 10, Episode 19 ‘Driving Miss. Kim’ + Watch Full Episode…

The Real Housewives of Atlanta aired the 16th episode of its 10th season last night March 18, 2018.

Last week, the ladies all bonded with ‘love & light’ during their last few days in Barcelona for their annual girls trip.

[READ: RHOA Recap: Season 10, Episode 15 + Watch Full Video… ]

This week’s episode is titled, ‘Driving Miss Kim’ and the crew returns back to the pettiness and drama in Atlanta.

Bravo synopsis:

NeNe and Kim face off on social media over the controversial video Kim sent to the ladies during their trip; Porsha shakes off her Spain sorrows by preparing for her upcoming play; Kandi is confronted with an uncomfortable decision.

Recap + full video below…

Sweetie 2.0 aka Sweatsuit Sheree…

It’s becoming more and more evident each episode that Sheree has officially taken the place of Sweetie Hughes in Kim’s life.

After spending a bit of time away from her boss friend, Sheree invites Kim over to catch up.

Kim arrives filled with fake praise for Sheree’s 8 year old ongoing construction project (aka Chateau Sheree). It’s clear that Kim is repaying Sheree for her loyalty by publicly validating the home that we all have has been scrutinizing for years.

“I looooove that plant, I looooove those doors, I looooove the decor… I just LOOOOVE your home.”

In addition to the validation, the timing of Kim’s fake praise for Sheree’s Chateau is interesting as well. That’s what friends are for, right?

‘Roachgate’ had just occurred days earlier and Kim had been on a press tour to fix her broken image after being labeled a racist for saying Nene’s mansion was a ‘roach nest’.

[FLASHBACK: SHOTS FIRE! Nene Leakes vs. Kim Zolicak & Brielle Biermann… (VIDEO)]

Nevertheless, instead of a friendly visit, Kim and Sheree bond over their disdain for Nene as they each take turns dragging their fellow cast mate.

Roachgate Reloaded…

Kim attempts to explain ‘roachgate’ and accuses Nene of trying to sabotage her name by calling her a racist.

Meanwhile, Nene, Gregg and Brentt have a family conversation about the incident and Bravo even supplies us with a slew of Kim’s racist clips.

Kim claims that her daughter Brielle was ‘invited’ over to the house by Brentt, while Brentt says that Brielle contacted him to say she was coming by.

Zolciak also CLAIMS that she spend $20,000 to send Nene a cease and desist after she began getting death treats for her racist attitude.

For the record, Nene says she threw her’s away, and mine ended up on the site in the post below.

[FLASHBACK: Kim Zolciak-Biermann’s Attorney’s Want You To Know… (She’s Not Racist)]

During her confessional, Sheree admits that Kim crossed the line, but says she really doesn’t give a sh*t. Yup… she really said that.

It’s evident that Sheree wouldn’t care if Kim called her the n-word just as long as she continued getting a check. Sheree clearly knows what it’s like to be without and she’s never going back there again.

Moving on…

Cynthia & Will Share a Kiss… Kinda.

Social media was ablaze last week when a clip of Cynthia and Will’s ‘awkward’ interaction was released by Bravo.

The exchange occurred as Cynthia offered Will a ride to the airport which gave them another opportunity to address Will being labeled as an opportunist.

[READ: Uh Oh! Is Cynthia Bailey’s New Boyfriend Hiding A Girlfriend? (PHOTOS)]

Cynthia shares that Eva apologized during the Barcelona trip and Will seems satisfied.

He also poses the question… ‘would I be out with Cynthia Bailey in public if I had a girlfriend?’ I heard a resounded YES in the background but some of you may feel a bit differently.

Whatever the case, Cynthia says she still wants to continue her fake relationship.

When it rains it pours…

Not only is Nene fighting a social media battle with Kim Zolciak and her daughter Brielle with ‘Roachgate’ she’s also battling a ton of bad press after her uber joke went awry.

READ: UBER FAIL! Nene Boo’d off The Stage After Rape Joke… (VIDEO)]

Sweatsuit Sheree goes to lunch with Kandi to discuss Nene’s rape joke backlash. Kandi reveals that she was fine with Nene’s public apology and has moved on from it.

[FLASHBACK: Nene Issues Tearful Apology After Rape Joke Backlash… (VIDEO)]

However, Kandi states her manager and Xscape band mates felt that it was good idea to take Nene off of the tour.

Cynthia and Marlo pay a visit to Nene to show their support during her trying time for her and each acknowledge that this too shall pass.

Nene once again admits that she went too far with the joke and attempts to shed a few tears but I’m sure it was a bit difficult to cry on cue months after the moment has passed.

Kandi and Kim Klash over Kroy…

Kandi meets up with Kim to air out a few grievances but as usual, Kim was late and her husband Kroy was chilling outside in the parking lot.

[READ: White Privilege is REAL! Hear What Kenya Moore & Cynthia Bailey have to Say About Kim Zolciak? (VIDEO)]

Kandi was not feeling it and called Kim out about how she always has Kroy there as a “crutch” so that she will have an excuse to leave early.

Kim gets a bit agitated with Kandi and starts to curse as she’s trying to prove her point.

“Who the f-ck you cussing at?!” Kandi fired back. “Calm down! Are we having a conversation?”

Kim later told Bravo cams that Kandi and the other women must be invested in what Kroy is doing because they all want a piece. *sigh*

Whatever the case, Kandi’s point is proven and backs down. Two began talking about other things like ‘Roachgate’ and Kim tries to tell Kim that she’s contradicting herself by stating that Brielle is “grown” one minute and the next saying that “kids are off limits”.

Kim seems to think that Nene was out of line by calling her racist even though she keeps reiterating that Nene lives in a “roach infested house”. Kandi tries to tell her that her statements come off as a bit racist and that race is a “sensitive situation” being that she is the only White woman around a group of Black woman.

Kandi tried to be as politically correct as she could but Kim states that she ‘doesn’t see color’ and is basically just being nasty and not racist.

We can agree to disagree about that one but I’m glad Bravo finally pulled the receipts.

What are your thoughts about this week’s episode of The Real Housewives of Atlanta?