Did TS Madison Steal ‘The Queens Court’ Trademark? Khia Thinks So + Hinton Responds… (VIDEOS)

Ooooh chile! ?The behind the scenes drama between Khia and TS Madison (Timothy Hinton) is still quite hot and brewing despite them performing together this past weekend in DC (click HERE if you missed that).

It seems like that exclusive Mo’Nique interview was the beginning of the end when it comes to The Queens Court partnership.

[READ: Awkward! Technical Difficulties Twart Mo’Nique’s Queen’s Court Interview (VIDEO)]

While everyone blamed Khia for walking off in the midst of what appeared to be minor technical difficulties, apparently the rift runs deeper than that. ? Hell, Mo’Nique was just the icing on the cake!

Details below…

If you’ve been following this saga, you’ll note that there’s been quite a bit of division between the two business partners lately.

After Mo’Nique recorded the behind the scenes drama between Khia and Maddie on her periscope, everyone who’s anyone dived in to share their views on the implosion.

The ladies let the internet have it for a while, but it seems that Khia got tired of taking the brunt of the heat, so she told her story.

When Khia revealed that Madison was “doing too” much and had “too many ponks in her house,” many seemed to think that she was just blowing hot air, especially when Madison clapped back by saying she was just trying to further the “brand”.

[READ: Khia Addresses ‘Queens Court’ Drama + TS Madison Responds… ]

[Sidebar: I’ve noticed a pattern that Khia speaks out first, then Madison attempts to present her “case” to the court of public opinion, but I’ll talk about that in a sec.]

That being said, last night Khia put TS Madison on the docket in her new online show, ‘Gag Order’ and accused her former business partner of trying to “steal” The Queens Court concept from her.

So wait… TS Madison actually filed for a trademark for The Queens Court and their “QC logo and didn’t include Khia in the legal process?!?

Hmmm…. sounds a bit sketchy, if you ask me.

Well, as if on cue, TS Madison hit the net to respond to Khia with what he feels are ‘receipts’.

Maddison named dropped and shared private emails and DM’s from celebrities. ?He even got his agent on the line to prove his point.

For the record, I think she was definitely doing a bit too much last night. ?Pulling emails from Will Packer stating he chose NOT to proceed with a QC project and bragging about putting Nicki Minaj’s name on the Queens Court seemed like a way to get impressionable people impressed in my opinion.

What was all that for? Did it really prove a point? ?Something in the milk ain’t clean and it’s starting to look like Madison was tryna get over on Khia.

Madison also says that she secured the website and trademark after hearing a vlogger state that they tried to buy it and she was just trying to protect it.?But apparently said Vlogger revealed that it was already purchased when he tried to purchase it.

Hmmm… somebody’s lying.

On a related note,?I put on my detective hat and found out that The Queens Court trademark application was submitted on January 29, 2018 by RDE Multimedia Group, Inc, a company that was administratively dissolved in Georgia back in 2015.

The company is/was owned solely by Timothy Maurice Hinton (aka TS Madison) and lists two other people as officers (neither of which are Khia).

Maddie seems to feel that since she put up all the money for upgrades, purchased the website and paid for the trademark application… that the “brand” is all hers. ? That’s the way she set it all up and I can see why Khia is like… ‘ok. you can have it then sis’.

I’m gonna leave it at that and let you guys come to your own conclusions.

*Subscribe to my Youtube channel.

What do you think about all the ongoing queen’s court drama?