#RHOA Cynthia Bailey Wants You To Know She’s Got Several Men in ‘Rotation’…

Cynthia Bailey from The Real Housewives of Atlanta is not gonna let y’all embarrass her about her dating life!

[FLASHBACK: Cut The Check!! Cynthia Bailey Hired New Boyfriend For Season 7…(Exclusive Details)]

In fact, the single ‘housewife’ has hit the promo trail to discuss the status of her new fake relationship and you might be surprised at what she has to say.

Details below…

As you know, Cynthia has been dating Will Jones on screen, but she admits that he’s not the only man she’s dating these days.

In a recent interview with Bravo’s ‘Daily Dish’, the supermodel reveals that she’s not really tied down at the moment.

In fact, Cynthia wants to clarify that she’s got SEVERAL men in rotation for her attention, stating:

“I am dating, and with dating, I’m not just dating one person because for me, that’s not really dating then. That’s just almost having, like, a boyfriend. I’m not saying I’m dating 60 guys. It’s only a couple of guys that I have in my little rotation,” Cynthia said with a laugh.

“But I like Will. I like Will a lot, and I see him the most because he has home court advantage.”

It’s a good thing that Cynthia is claiming that she’s keeping her options open because word on the curb is that Will has a girlfriend anyway.

[READ: Uh Oh! Is Cynthia Bailey’s New Boyfriend Hiding a Girlfriend… ]

But I digress.

As for Cynthia’s relationship with Peter, it’s clearly still intact even though they want us to believe they’re divorced.

“I kind of do this thing where if things don’t work with my exes, I kind of make them still be friends with me. I don’t know why I do that, but I just do. I feel like we were friends before we were anything else, and I feel like we can [go back to being] friends, because that’s how we started.

I’m the same way with [daughter] Noelle [Robinson]’s dad [Leon Robinson]. We’re friends. I mean, I won’t list my list of exes, but I’m cool with all the people that have touched my life in some way, and Peter’s no different. I basically made him be my friend, and we’re doing good. We’re doing good. I think, you know, like I said, we both have moved on, and we’re in a good, friendly space.

I suspect that Peter’s name is probably at the top of Cynthia’s secret dating list. ? No judgement tho…

What are your thoughts Cynthia’s dating comments?