Issa Lie! Phaedra Parks Fakes Relationship With Shemar Moore & He Shuts It Down With A Clap Back… (VIDEO)

Y’all remember Phaedra Parks? Well for those of you who don’t, Parks was once the southern belle with the snappy comebacks on The Real Housewives of Atlanta.

In an effort to keep her name in the news, Phaedra hit the net recently insinuating that she was in a relationship with Shemar Moore but the actor quickly responded to the rumor with a snappy comeback of his own.

Details below…

Phaedra Parks posted the instagram image above and was successful at creating quite a buzz about her new “bae” online before Shemar shut it down! I didn’t post it earlier because I didn’t believe it in the first place but apparently the WHOLE INTERNET thought that Shemar and Phaedra were an item.

Needless to say, Shemar quickly did an interview to clear up any misconceptions about his relationship status.

In the interview above, Shemar explains how and when he met the former reality star states:

“This thing, it’s crazy to me, I just woke up, like last week and everybody’s like, ‘Phaedra, Phaedra, Phaedra! And look, I met Phaedra doing a nighttime talk show with Andy Cohen and Andy Cohen does this thing late at night and he likes to get you to drink. And so you’re loose and you have fun on his show.”

“So I walked in and I saw Phaedra and I know who Phaedra- I’ve heard of Phaedra and she was looking like…and so she looked at me and I kinda had this sense of like, ‘Oh, she thinks I’m the guy from The Young and the Restless’ or ‘She thinks I’m a certain Shemar.’ And I said, ‘Well, I’m gonna introduce you to a different kind of Shemar. So I just decided to have a good time and she was such a good sport and we played and we flirted and we got our little kissy face on. And then that went viral and that’s the first and the last time that I’ve ever seen or met Phaedra.”

In addition to his public interview, Moore hit the net to further explain his position with another snappy clapback:

A post shared by Shemar Moore (@shemarfmoore) on

In the clip above, the 47 year old actor address all the random chatter on Instagram about his denial. And once again denies being ever involved with Phaedra Parks, stating:

Phaedra Parks, met her one time at a talk show a year ago. Flirted with her (at the talk show), took pictures with her (at the talk show).

I ain’t dating someone I don’t know. Don’t watch reality tv.

Shemar also addresses the constant speculation about his sexuality, stating that he loves women… all women. All shapes and sizes.

What are your thoughts about Shemar Moore’s dating clarification?