OPEN POST: Was Mariah Carey Body Shamed Into Weight Loss Surgery??

Singer Mariah Carey has reportedly gone under the knife to shed a few pounds and it’s sparked quite a bit of conversation online and off.

The 47-year-old multimillion-dollar, award winning songstress recently underwent weight-loss surgery after blawgs and social media commenters made her self-conscious about her expanding waistline.

Body shaming is certainly prevalent online these days but I think there’s more to it than just a few trolls commenting on a burger belly. ?The internet has a way of sucking us in and making us all believe that everyone walks out of the house fully made up and ‘snatched’.

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Sure, Mariah is in entertainment and of course there are pressures that come along with that… like appearing “perfect” every single moment of the day.

But at what point will we, as women, realize that what we see on Instagram and the blawgs is oftentimes an unobtainable standard of beauty.

Hell, most of the people selling flat tummy tea and waist shapers had already had tummy tucks and lipo before hawking the products and/or are misleading young impressionable minds with their photoshopped images. ?But I digress.

Carey is said to have became hella self-conscious about her growing curves due to cruel online commenters. ? With her new younger boytoy by her side, she partied more and dieted less.

It has been reported that the weight gain was due good living which consisted of a steady diet of cocktails and heavy foods consumed at restaurants around the globe with Bryan Tanaka.

According to the NY Post?s Page Six,?the diva underwent gastric sleeve surgery last month, performed by a top surgeon in Beverly Hills, Calif., after getting dragged online and off about her weight gain.

A source for the mag revealed:

?Mariah underwent the procedure about a month ago, and she is already seeing some good results, and she feels a lot better.?

The procedure involves removing part of the stomach so that the patient feels fuller more quickly. It can be done via a small incision, meaning recovery time is fast and scarring is minimal.

Page Six also reports that Carey had always been proud of her curves, until this past Summer, when she found it hard to dance onstage?and she began getting a lot more criticism online from body shamers.?

Carey previously lost 70 pounds after the birth of her twins in 2011. At that time, she claimed to have lost the weight with a strict diet plan and exercise, but apparently with age, it’s become a lot harder to shed the pounds.

I’m sure Mariah will be svelte in no time at all and her dancers will be able to cart her across the stage much easier. ?But I can’t help but wonder if her weight loss surgery will bring back her singing…

[READ: Mariah Carey Blames Disgruntled Techs For ‘Leaking’ Mic Feed… ]

What are your thoughts about Mariah’s reported weight loss surgery?