New Old News: Yvonne Orji, aka ‘Molly’ from #InsecureHBO is a 33 Year Old Virgin…

HBO’s ‘Insecure’ has been on the map for a minute (and so has this story) but for those of you who are just catching up, Issa Rae’s lawyer best friend Molly, played by actress Yvonne Orji, is not as sexually liberated as the character she portrays on the show.

[FLASHBACK: “Molly” Meets “Toni Childs”… (VIDEO)]

In fact… in REAL LIFE, “Molly” is a virgin!

People Magazine, stating that she’s she?s a dedicated Christian who plans on remaining a virgin until marriage.

Orji says she?s always more than willing to explain her decision to anyone who inquires, which she did as a guest on The Breakfast Club back in November 2016, where she first revealed her big “secret”:

“I’m a virgin now, yeah,” she told DJ Envy. “I’m a virgin-virgin… I’ve never [masturbated]. I promise you.”

I know that’s shocking news to those of you who have been busting it wide open since you hit puberty, however it’s not as uncommon as you would think.

Surprisingly, these days it’s more acceptable to have 4 kids by 22 than to be a virgin, however there are still a few out there who hold their kitty to high esteem and don’t just pass it along to everyone.

When asked if she is somehow ashamed of being a virgin, the Insecure actress said she’s 100 percent secure in the decision.

“I’m proud of it,” she said. “Why not? The same way people know somebody who had a one night stand, it’s like, you can say that and I can say, ‘No, I actually haven’t.”

For the record, Orji isn’t planning on becoming a nun, in fact, she feels it’s important to save herself for the right person.

When asked if she wants to have sex, though, she admitted with a smile, “I absolutely do.”

The actress also explained how she delivers those sex-scenes on the show so believably without having actual “experience”, and admits that they do have an effect on her when the director calls “cut.”

“Molly be poppin’,” she said. “What’s funny is like it really does get in your spirit… We did a bulk of our sex scenes on the same day and I remember going home like, ‘Who I got in my phone, though?’ because this dude was just on top of me.”

Orji also wants y’all to know that she’s still human and for those who may think she never has sexual thoughts, states: “I’m a virgin, not a mannequin challenge.”

Check out the full interview below…

PHOTOS: Instagram