Mike Vick Advises Colin Kaepernick to Cut His Hair to Improve Image + Kaepernick Responds…

Michael Vick?was asked a direct question yesterday and he gave an honest answer, now he’s being beat up in the press for offering his opinion!

Yesterday, Vick appeared on FS1’s ‘Speak for Yourself’ where he was asked his thoughts on how Colin Kaepernick could improve his image and chances of being picked up by a team.

First thing we’ve got to get Colin to do is cut his hair.

Vick’s comments, while actually pretty on point, has been met with quite a bit of criticism.

Watch Vick’s interview + Kaepernick’s response below…

In the video above, Vick states:

Listen, I’m not up here to try to be politically correct. Even if he puts cornrows in there, I don’t think he should represent himself in that way in terms of just the hairstyle. Just go clean-cut. You know, why not?

You’re already dealing with a lot of controversy surrounding this issue. The most important thing that he needs to do is just try to be presentable.

I think Mike Vick offered some great advice. Like he said, it may not be politically correct but it’s true and sometimes the truth hurts.

For the record, Vick, 37, has experience in rebranding. He rebounded from a dog fighting scandal that sent him to prison and played for several teams (New York Jets, Philadelphia Eagles and the Pittsburg Steelers) before walking away from the league earlier this year.

Whatever the case, Kaepernick wasn’t here for it. While the free agent didn’t mention Vick by name, he offered a subliminal post that seems to imply that Vick is brainwashed…

What do you think about Vick’s advice to Kaepernick?