#RHOA Season 9 Reunion (Part 2) Teasers: Sheree Whitfield Discusses Abuse… (VIDEO) #RHOAReunion

The Real Housewives of Atlanta has often teased the hell outta fans with explosive video clips that end up being less than spectacular.

[READ: RECAP: 5 Things Revealed on Part 1 of the Season 9 Reunion Show + Watch Full Video…]

In keeping with their trend, Bravo has released a few more teasers for part 2 of the season 9 reunion show.

In one clip, Sheree Whitfield discusses the “abuse” she suffered at the hands of her ex-husband Bob Whitfield and a 2nd sneak peek reveals Phaedra Parks tried to bring out some ‘receipts’ that didn’t quite add up.

Check out the sneak peek footage below…

VIDEO: Sheree opens up about abuse…
Sheree tried her best to cry on cue but nary a tear was shed.

Now I’m not saying that I don’t believe her story, but she’s been known to lie about some things… including her ‘Chateau’ which she still doesn’t live in.

And speaking of the ‘Chateau,’ I didn’t want to do an entire post about that dead horse, but apparently Kenya Moore was right about there never being any lights on inside…

But I digress.

There’s also another ‘teaser’ video which includes the moment Phaedra comes out with her ‘receipts’…

VIDEO: RHOA Season 9 Reunion (Part 2) – Teaser
Hopefully part 2 will be more ‘revealing’ than part 1 was… but since there are FOUR parts to this reunion, I expect we won’t get too much until the very last one.

?What do you think of the latest ‘sneak peek’ reunion show teasers?