#HurtBae is All of Us: A Couple’s Broken Relationship Goes Viral… (Full Video)

A new video is going viral and has just about everyone in their feelings.

‘Hurt Bae’ is a video which features two exes confronting each other about why they broke up.

In the nearly 7-minute video, a man and a woman, Kourtney and Leonard, sit face to face as they talk civilly about the infidelity that destroyed their relationship.

[FLASHBACK: Should There Be A Relationship ?Rulebook? for Facebook Couples?]

The conversation begins with each recalling the first day they met then turns to heartbreak as each person recounts how they felt in the end. In most relationships there’s one person who cares more and in this instance, it happens to be Kortney aka “hurt bae”.

Watch the full video below and prepare to feel ‘some kinda way’…

VIDEO: The Scene – “Broken”
In the video above, Kourtney Jorge and Leonard Long address the things that left at least one of them ‘broken’ after the end of their relationship.

The ‘broken’ one happens to be Kourtney, who endured cheating from her philandering boyfriend.

The two agreed that they were once ‘best friends’ but somewhere along the line, that all changed and Leonard admits to cheating more times than he could count.

He even asks his ex, ‘Why did you forgive me?’ to which she response, ‘Because you were my best friend.” Oh… the agony!

We’ve all been there, and if you haven’t, you haven’t lived long enough!

There’s been an outpouring of support for Kourtney Jorge,? the woman on the video, who has been labled ‘hurt bae’ by social media.

She posted on Instagram this morning after receiving a ton of support when the video went viral, stating:

I wanted to thank you all soooo much for your support. This entire experience has been incredibly overwhelming ? I never thought the video would receive this type of response.

Meanwhile, Leonard turned his account private after getting a ton of hateful comments and has made no response on the matter.

Just FYI, “The Scene” is a new website that ?gives you a front row seat to the worlds of fashion, food, culture, comedy, and more. Featuring the best original videos from more than 30 beloved brands”

The site also boasts that it “immerses you in stories that shape our culture, move our emotions, and give you a thing or three to share with your friends? – the last part gives me a feeling that this video might just be staged but who knows?

All I know is, if it was a hoax the “actors” were amazing!

What did you think of the ‘hurt bae’ video?